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Thanks everyone, yes I have been patiently waiting for a chance to buy one of the finest smokers on the market, so what better idea than getting Sonja a FEC for Easter.

I only hope she doesn't expect the que to be a LOT better then what I have come to produce in my smokette, because with this forums help and a lot of practice I have come to find that I can make a competition quality product from my 020. It only took time to learn my pit, its strengths and weakness...and as two guys have tried to pound into my head...go smoke something and take GOOD notes, change one thing at a time till you get it like you want it.

I look forward to learning this pit as well as I have my smokette and sharing as I go.
Last edited by cal 2
Cal, with time and a few smokes, you'll become aware of a few tweaks you'll need to adjust to.

The smoke flavor profile isn't quite as intense. No doubt you've read the posts regarding 2 stage temps for big meats....should you want to boost the smoke flavor a bit.

The FEC doesn't hold the moisture your 020 does...mainly due to air circulation/convection. IMHO, ribs (any kind) tend to benefit from a spritz of apple juice after the 1st hour and every hour thereafter.
If you like a crisp bark on them, just leave 'em be.

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