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Figured it out....Reversed the wires on the computer board for the thermostat and seems to be working. I guess cookshack needs to put me on the payroll for troubleshooting. Hahaha....guess I will get to cook the 2 chickens, 4 slabs of ribs, 1 butt and 1 brisket now that I bought for this weekends cook.
Originally posted by chris sands:
I am scared that I am going to mess something up before I get started.

I wouldn't worry about that at all. You see a few questions about problems, but you don't see the posts about how great it works each time.

I works like a charm. I'm sure you have a ramp model. (open it up, look inside, do the pellets fall down a ramp -- it's a ramp model)

We'll help you out, just ask any questions.
I fired 100 up8-25 after driving up to Butchers bq for alot of great advise. The worked great just like said Smokie okie. I set my temp on 300 for one hour like the book said and it worked great. The only thing that I noticed is the temp went to 314. I check the insid for hot spots and the hotest was the upper top corner at 320 all the rest was at 300 other than the center shelf on the left side obove the brunerwas at 270. That dosnt make much since to me. Thanks you to evrbody on here that tries to Help us Greenhorns.
Chris,great to hear you fired it up and had a good burn. It was nice meeting your family. Now start feeding the smoker some meat. I'll be Thomas AZ with a friend this weekend being his dish washer and EZ up lifter. Not to good at the beer drinking but will tip a glass of tea back for you. Keep us posted on your cooks and call again if you need any help.

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