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I'll try to be brief. Been visiting the site for over a year. It was my favorite reading in Iraq. Though I missed my Bradley smoker, I needed something that could handle more capacity. Well I ordered a remanufactored FEC100 from Tony at CC. I just got it Friday. It is quite simply beautiful. I think my green egg and Bradley are jealous.
I had no problems what so ever firing it up. For those who think its hard, try a green egg. My only complaint was the pellets that came with the unit. They smell like paper. Though the food tasted pretty good. I do have to get used to the guicker cooking times. You really can over cook now. Well thank all of you for so much advise and entertainment. You'll be hearing more for me. I'll be retiring 24 years from the Navy soon and moving back to Jacksonville soon. I can't wait to meet some of the great pellet cookers down there.
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Welcome! Glad you like your FEC. There are lots of happy FEC users on the forum. They will be glad to help you with anything that comes up, as will our customer service.

When you get to Florida you can make LOTS of "FEC friends" -- some good folks in FL.

I am very glad you are home safe from Iraq.

hi fs,
glad you are safe and sound.
jax is a good place to live. married a girl who grew up there 35 years back.
if you ever get down to st augustine look us up. we are at the farmers market every saturday morning and would love to shoot the breeze with you. if we could ever be of any help to you just holler.

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