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Originally posted by Denver Dave:
OK, I smoke ribs on my Traeger and get a nice smoke ring every time.
Hi Dave. While I can't answer your question (no smoke ring on my electric CS), but sure others can, I always wanted to know... What does the smoke ring taste like? Thx! Mark

We need more details.

What were you smoking
What temps
What duration
What pellets (flavor and brand)

The reference about smoke ring thread will be on the regular CS', not the FE. I don't have a problem getting a SR on my FE, but there are a few tweaks.

Give us the above details and we'll help

Originally posted by redoakNC:
Originally posted by Denver Dave:
What does the smoke ring taste like? Thx! Mark

It tastes like the sound of a tree falling in the woods when there's no one around Smiler

Just kidding Mark. A SR really doesn't have any specific taste. It's an enzyme reaction in the meat created by nitrates (nitrogen dioxide) that are particular to wood or charcoal.
Last edited by Former Member
It tastes like the sound of a tree falling in the woods when there's no one around Smiler

Just kidding Mark. A SR really doesn't have any specific taste. It's an enzyme reaction in the meat created by nitrates (nitrogen dioxide) that are particular to wood or charcoal.

Thx! Alton Brown couldn't said that any better. lol
Last edited by Former Member
Use a little TQ, propane or a green wood log, that will create the chemicals necessary for the smoke ring.

Last week I cooked seven brisket flats and had a great smoke ring on the ones I cut. Last night I cooked 2 more and used rub from the same batch, same cook time, cook temp & hold time/temp with the only difference being a week later. NO smoke ring. WHY? I don't know but I really don't put a lot of stock in that particular phenomenon. The Briskets tasted great and were good slicers, the only real test.
Last edited by smokenice
Originally posted by SmokinOkie:

We need more details.

What were you smoking
What temps
What duration
What pellets (flavor and brand)

The reference about smoke ring thread will be on the regular CS', not the FE. I don't have a problem getting a SR on my FE, but there are a few tweaks.

Give us the above details and we'll help


BB Ribs at 225* for 4 hours. BBQ Delight Hickory/Apple mix. 60% Hickory 40% Apple\

I realize the smoke ring is of no use other than pleasing to the eye. However, it does make a great first impression when serving up the meat.
Apple for me is a waste of pellets, it's such a light smoke, I don't think you're taste it.

Candy Sue's pellets are good pellets, and I've never heard of a SR complain on ribs, it's usually briskets/butts.

You might want to try to change the pellets to a full hickory and say for the first two hours, smoke at 180.

Then bump the temp up to 250 and see if it helps.

Are you using any foil?
Are you putting a heavy coat of rub on (Smoke won't penetrate it very well if you do)

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