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I work on the local Air Force base as a civilian. I've been asked to consider taking on a contractor role cooking one night a week for the swing shift and whomever else. They are conducting a survey to determine possible customer traffic and will also handle advertising. The golf course is providing the kitchen, and facilities. I have thesmoker and a large catering grill. They want me to serve BBQ and sides from 1730-2000hrs. All the golf course wants is 15 % and a clean kitchen. This sounds like a very good opportunity to test the waters without the high initial start-up costs. I'm thinking a buffet as I would serve at my caterings, would be the best way to approach this. Smoked BBQ Chicken, 1/4s, sausage, pulled pork with beans, cornbread and cole slaw. Any thoughts, Todd, Pags, Bueller............Bueller

Keep dancing until it starts raining.

Shady J
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Well,I'm not one of the folks mentioned,but I'll toss this in as a starter,until some experts chime in.

I guess they collect the money,keep 15% of the gross,and hand you 85% ?

You would be able to order foods thru their supplier/commissary,etc?

I guess they charge no tax,but could have a service fee-above cost?

As many on base restaurants,do you have to match prices with merchants off base?

Will you be the drinks supplier,as well?

If they have rain out days,do they have a walkin to carry over all your cooked food,or must you toss it out?

Will they have food inspections and will their liability insurance cover you?

In the FIND,at page top,Elizabeth has several thoughts.

She has run large scale caters,a bbq restaurant and a nearby sports bar/restaurant.

She has been very helpful to many,over the years.

Elizabeth's Buffet Tips

Hope this helps a little,and good luck.
They are allowing me to collect the money and I'm keeping the register count and paying them their 15% they only wanted 10% to begin and I told them I would feel better paying 15%, seeing the potential.
Hopefully I won't regret this but the Manager will remember the gesture.
to answer a few more:

I won't be able to use the commisary but Sam's has better Quality/Price
No Tax on base I will have to pay taxes so it will be figured into price.

As far as matching prices w/ merchants off base, as a contractor will not be required.

I have not worked out the drink question, so thanks i'll ask this. They have a self serve soda fountain and I'll negotiate a fair deal on this. They want to provide an enjoyable option for the Airmen and are being extremely fair with me.
Yes they have a walk-in and it could be used for slow or no Biz days.
The food inspections are done by Public Health and I am a current ServSafe instructor so they will hold me to the standards.
The insurance/liability question is another good one.
Thanks for the input.
I'm looking at this as an opportunity to be able to serve quality BBQ and hopefully get the cravings started for my product.

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