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So, you're thinking about entering BBQ contests.

Sure, it's FUN to go up to the stage and collect a few ribbons (okay, a lot) and more fun to get some money. Maybe some day I'll get my GC or RGC, but not this week at Pawnee.

Okay, I'm going to have to give it up to Mother Nature on this contest, she wins.

Pawnee had 27 teams and we started gathering on Friday afternoon.

So did the storm clouds:

Mid-afternoon, those clouds were preceeded by a major wind gust, oh, probably in excess of 50MPH.

After the first group went through, it wasn't pretty:

So, it wasn't pretty but it was still standing. I was lucky, at least 3 other people totally lost theirs.


Front number 2 comes through:

Let's all give a moment of silence to the dearly departed EZUp.

Served me well, helped me through winds and rain several times this year, especially Wichita Wichita Event

Actually had parts from some of the other trashed Ups, but I couldn't repair it.

Darcy, you're the MAN. He loaned me one to use Friday night, but when a 3rd storm came up early Sat (oh, about 10am in the middle of doing entries) I took it down so I wouldn't be responsible for the damage.

What did I do, out in the middle of a field, my truck too full of stuff (to keep dry) that I couldn't prep in the cab (although I did in the first rain storm Wink

Well, 20 years of training in the military put to good use.

I used this for prepping the boxes and for building the chicken box turn-in (which I didn't place in, hmmmm).

It started clearing off after the rib turn in, so the wind was gone, but we dealt with rain during rib and pork. Cleared up nice by the time of brisket turn in.


Top 10

GC Buffalo BBQ
RGC Royal Oak
3. L&M BBQ
4. Sauce Plant BBQ
5. Head Country II
6. Smokin Okies (behind HC by .572) Thanks for the classes Paul Smiler
7. Ring of Fire
8. Buzzard Bait BBQ
9. The Smokedelics
10. Rib Wurx

Chicken 1st: Sauce Plant
Ribs: Buffalo
Pork: Buffalo
Brisket: Head Country II

For me, my chicken that's won several 1st this year, suffered from the weather, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Ribs got a 4th, Pork a 6th and Brisket 8th. And overall I had my highest point total of the year, just some REAL tough competition.

Final note. BBQ'ers are the best. Several teams offered to loan me their EZ Ups and offered to help with anything I needed (a lot of stuff got wet, even when it was in boxes).

Oh, and next year, there WILL be a trailer, no more EZ Ups for me, it's too windy in Oklahoma Big Grin
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Russ you need to get the wind and rain insurance and sweet talk Stuart into getting a roof on that trailer. Congrats on the 6th place win I don't know when you had time to cook.

P.S When you talk to Stuart see if you can sweet talk him into sending my smoker soon. I am going into with draw...LOL


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