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I own 3 FEC 100's and 1 FEC 120. Over time, I've used several methods to get more smoke flavor, including staging the cook cycles with the first being a lower temp smoke cycle. All of the FEC's have log burners attached to the fire pots, where I burn wood to enhance the smoke ring and flavor. I also use Cook Shack's smoke enhancer full of pellets at the same time. Today I ordered two 12" A-Maze-N Pellet Smoker Tubes to get additional smoke for a longer time. If they work well, I won't use wood or Cook Shack's smoke enhancer. I'm looking for the best, longest burning, efficient smoke enhancer on the market (at a reasonable price). So I pose this question to the forum.

QUESTION: For a pellet cooker, what's the best, longest burning, smoke enhancer on the market for a reasonable price?

Thanks, Bob
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I used to use the Amazen Tube in my FEC100 but decided the FEC unit itself gives me all the smoke flavor I usually want so I don't use it as much now. What type of pellets are you using? I wonder if the brand of pellets you are using are "light" on smoke flavor. Since many pellets are maybe 40% of the flavor you select (hickory, cherry, etc) and then 60% filler wood, that can affect the smoke flavor. Different mfr's/brands use different wood types as their fillers. After using all different brands, I now use Cookshack's pellets as I have found them to give me better/quicker temperature rises when I need to bump up the smoker temp. I also use a home-mixed blend of hickory + mesquite + apple pellets.

Don't know the amount of rubs or sauces you put on your meat before smoking, but I always try to keep mine simpler so the smoke flavor is not competing with the rubs/sauces. Nothing wrong with saucing towards the end of a smoke, I usually just start the smoke with a simple rub only.

That's just my 2 cents worth.
Thanks Olysmokes,

I use BBQr's Delight pellets and I like them for their flavor, efficient burn and smoke. On butts and brisket I just like a little heavier smoke flavor. I've tried other brands in the past, but I've used BBQr's Delight for several years. I have considered trying Lumber Jack or Cookin' Pellets. Do you have any experience with either one of these pellets? I use a fairly simple rub as well.
I have in the past used BBQr's Delight pellets, and found them to be ok. I did not care for the Lumber Jack brand - just my opinion though. Have not used Cookin' Pellets.

Have you tried using some mesquite pellets for more smoke flavor? You can use all mesquite or mix with hickory or your favorite flavor. When I quizzed the 'local' pellet supplier here on which flavor pellet they sold the most of, they said mesquite. Remembering most pellets are made with about 40% flavor wood and 60% filler wood, so if using all mesquite pellets, you should not get the bitter taste that is easy to do with using just mesquite wood chunks.
Lumber Jack pellets have provided good results for me when used in a tray type generator. If you like corn cob smoke, look at Tractor Supply, they have a 40 pound bag for under $10.

The tray type smoke generators will produce a wispy plume of smoke for a relatively long period of time. Smoking time depends on the fuel being used, pellet, saw dust or powder. They can be used for adding additional smoke to a grill or when a long slow smoke is desired such as when cold smoking. Both ends can be lit if more smoke is desired. They do produce heat and creosote if using it to cold smoke, modifications may be needed to the smoke collector or the way the smoke is delivered to cool the smoke. Modifications may be needed if using it on a flat surface. These type of smoke generators are a good choice for inexperienced smokers, ones with limited equipment, or those who are concerned about applying too much smoke to their products.

Last edited by mrt 2
I have used the tubes, and found they go for about 4 hours. I have been trying to run a high temps, 290-300. And the smoker just doesn't seem to be able to put out enough smoke. But when I run it around 225 -235 it does fantastic. I am going back to low and slow for all comps. Except maybe chicken. Then maybe I will continue to use the tube for it.

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