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Be the first one we have missed.

This has typically been the last really top contest,before winter sets in.[Although, Demopolis,Al has that cold one on the river in Al.]

My advice is ,that every year it turns real cold/windy Friday night and we about freeze, during the cooks' steak dinner.

Usually, mid-high 70's during the three days.

Usually, have the CS president,and Fast Eddy,the FEC developer there.

Not this year though. Frowner

There will be a good contingent of top cooks from Ok,Tx,Ks,Mo,most of the Southeast and a smattering of the Eastern seaboard,up thru New England.

There will be a large group of FEC teams,and also, usually ,several Jamie Geers[ arguably the top offset stickburner]made.

Friday afternoon is typically the best time to visit teams and see cookers,while the teams are setting up.
Hey, it's Florida! I thought it would be warm and sunny. However it turns out, best wishes to all the "FEC teams". We are so proud of how well you are doing. You can't win with just a great smoker, you have to have the right seasonings and the skill to turn out meat that the judges love. You guys rock!

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