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My mom, who is 92 yrs old, says, "The Golden Years can kiss my ass!" Pretty funny from a rather refined little old lady.

I had my knee replaced, and the Doctor makes me take antibiotics every time I have my teeth cleaned (twice a year) for the next 5 years. He worried about bacteria releasing from the cleaning and doesn't want an infection to get into the knee. I've been following his advise, but you've convinced me. Thanks for sharing and best of luck.

I do the sane thing, only my infection got in my blood stream, both staff and bacteria. Dr. told me it usually settles in the newest man made place!

Sounds like you mother is right on top of things.

I thought after turning 65 2 years ago we would travel, go see all the grandkkids etc. Little dod I know.
Thanks for the reply and get well huh? Life is short is what I always preach but the older I get the more truth there is to it. Take care and keep smiling cause a positive attitude will help I promise! Cheers, Don
Originally posted by tigerfan:

First of all let me explain for taking so long getting back to you. All of April I was in the hospital, had surgery. Got home the very end of April and still in a hospital bed, using a wheel chair mostly but can go about 40-50' on a walker.

When I wash off the belly, I wash it real good under running water, then soak it for about 30 min. to an hour, take out and pat dry.

Hope that helps! The bellies I get from an Asian Market are all from very small pigs, most likely babies as they do not have a huge amount of fat. All my friends, and SmokinOkie like it like that.

With all the framland around here, pigs are taking over!! This market I use has people that trap the babies and small pigs for them.
I thought after turning 65 2 years ago we would travel, go see all the grandkkids etc. Little dod I know.

Overheard in a doctors waiting room:

"Ya know, they say when you retire you'll have lots of time to do things. How the heck can I have extra time when I always have a doctors appointment!!"

So true!

That is the absoulate truth.

I have my heart Dr., internist, nephrologist etc. seems like everytime I turn around.

Beats the alternative!

In 2-3 weeks going to do more bacon!

Pretty hard aince I am still in a wheel chair mostly, but impoving all the time. Just have to do things slower and a little more carefully! I promised my wife and my nurse I would do more bacon and a buncb of chicken.

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