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My pre-ramp FE100 is now gone - due to fire. May it rest in peace. I now have a new FEC100. I'm sorry to see the operating manual still hasn't progressed as far as it could, so I have a couple of questions. The manual says that when you think the food is done, turn off cooker and wait for 10 minutes before opening to check the food. Is this correct? Does it create a problem if you open the door to check the status and temps? Can you immediately restart by turning the unit back on if food needs more time? Any help with these and any related questions will be greatly appreciated and comforting. Thanks, Lane
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P.S. It is nice to see so many familiar names still around on the forum. It has been a couple of years since I've been here. I was at the first owners class held with Eddy and Ray and I have such great memories of that time. I'm glad you guys are still here. Thanks again, Lane
FF, thank you for the link. Evidently, I have a newer model as the Operating Manual version is 06.1. The FEC has the IQ4 control system and so it seems some of the instructions are different. There is no "smoke" setting like the older controllers. So the question is, is the lower temperature for "smoke" still needed? I learned from Ray and others to set on "smoke" for a few hours and then move the temp up to a higher setting. Is there any reason that is still not required? I also read here in a couple of places referencing the IQ4 controller that you can start off with a lower temperature and at a designated time have the smoker automatically raise the temperature higher. Is that a feature? It isn't referenced in the manual. Any other differences or techniques that will help me get up to speed that any of you are willing to share will be hugely helpful. I have about 7 catering jobs lined up for the next 2 weeks and I'm not as confident of this new smoker. Thank you again. Lane
Originally posted by SmokinD:
My pre-ramp FE100 is now gone - due to fire. May it rest in peace.

Hi SmokinD !! You seem to have a professional, comforting, way of sending off your old smoker.

Ahh yes, the old original Cookshack class of 2004 out at Stuart's farm. A 2 day event that was free to Cookshack owners back then. With the likes of Fred, Randy, Ray, Craig, DocT, Whiskeychick, Roger and others sucking down the free beer, and booze, and the big supper Stuart cooked up Friday night, it must have been expensive to put on. And the whole class tracking mud across the living room carpet on the way to the bathroom after the rainstorm (but going behind the shed after dark).
And with 2 days we had more time in town for casinos, $.99 margaritas, and music; both kinds: Country AND Western.
I made many friends down there too, and still keep in contact with several, and have seen at least 4 (Rodney, Ray, Hayward, and Eddy), going big-time on the television.

We should start a reunion thread of "Where are they Now?". I wonder if the class pictures are still on Tom Chilton's website.

Anyway, how did your FE100 burn up? Grease fire? Burn-back though the auger to the firebox?
I'm guessing the controls are shot, but is the cooking chamber shot too?


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