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well, if i had it all to do over again, i would not use any gas appliances at all!!!
just called gas company yesterday for a refill. 2.85 a gallon!!! that is enough to put me out of business! how can they charged so much? is thee no regulation to gas prices? so i am sitting on a tank with 10 gallons left in it, wondering what to do.
i called all the companies in town, and found varying prices. needless to say, a new tank is coming wednesday from another company. still, its 2.39 a gallon. last year at this time i was paying 1.58..
ok, lets talk sysco foods...anybody else use them?? i love some of their products but they charge me 25.00 delivery charge if i order less than 500. just wondering if this was true with other users or if i am getting shafted? love to leave them but cant. they are exclusive with some items i just gotta have....any comments?
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2.39 is about twice what I'm paying in Vermont at the moment but prices have been increasing steadily due to the heavy demand for heating oil & propane. Check and see if you'd get a price break using a larger propane tank. The propane supplier might give you a discount for larger purchases, and they should supply the tank F.O.C.

As for Sysco, it's not uncommon for them to add on delivery charges for "under minimum" orders/ Never used to be like that but since the big fish have gobbled up the little fish, they've gotten pretty creative insofar as increasing their' profits. Ask your rep if they pay you $25 for "over minimum" orders Smiler
I had to check on my fuel prices after your post. You don't want to know what it is here, however it has increased by about 13 cents per gallon! I asked my supplier why such a huge difference and in the same state! No explanation except for perhaps gouging!

Hang in have high fuel bills and I still don't have enough customers...but it is improving!

i think you are right. i have a customer who uses thousands of gallons in his factory. he gets it at 80 cents. hmmm. ok, i know quantity gets you a discount, but if they can sell it that low they must be geting it pretty cheap. is there no agency that regulates propane prices? needless to say, i have a new tank today with different logo... intro price of 1.79.....
ideal would be to have a line of different tanks so i could call for bids, haha. catch is, if a co's tank is not hooked up, they have to run a pressure test. where is that agency???
hey peter. just an idea for ya.....
i dont know your situation, but any exposure to the public would be good for you. try calling your local mission, or homeless shelter. see if they can bring over a bunch of folks for you to feed for free of course... then call the news (local t.v.) desk and tip them off as to a place you herd that was doing such a good deed... may get you a spot of the 6 and 11....... Wink
Wow! Those are some scary prices guys. I was complaining to my supplier yesterday about a price increase on my last delivery from 1.18/gal up to 1.45/gal. I guess I should shut up & be gratefull. I don't use large quantities of propane, about 150 gal/month, but I do get a "catering" price instead of a "home delivery" price. I wouldn't have known about the catering price if my delivery guy hadn't tipped me off that it was available if I asked for it.
well, i am locked in at 1.79 for a while, and mighty happy with that,considering.....
funny thingis, my first invoice was for 250gal. it took me a while as i am sometimes slow, but then it hit me.....
my tank will only hold 15o gal and it had 18 percent before delivery...
after a couple phone calls, i finally got credit for the balance gas due...
so, check your invoices against what you have in the tank to make sure they arent fudging numbers//////

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