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the start of the real racing season's F1 race at bahrain sunday got me to thinking. what is your one dream assignment?
mine, of course, would be to exec chef the mercedes F1 team with their 1.5 mill food budget just for the sponsors hospitality suites at each event. throw in the specialized drivers diets and the crew requirements and i can't think of anything that i would rather do for one year.
so i was just curious what would you consider your one dream job??
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hey guys thanks for the responses. we are all over the map on this one Big Grin
but since dmerrell brought up the lottery here's what we will do with our winnings
1- buy the biggest dodge truck
2- hook the rig to it
3- tow to the mountains of belize
4- buy 200 acres of prime jungle
5- set up ten 12 x 20 huts
6- buy peg her herd of goats half nubians and half la mancheas
7- set up the only eco-tourism/bbq school in belize
and that's where my lotto winning go except for one splurge to see the monaco f1 from a 5th floor balcony overlooking the hairpin. oh that and a 43 foot fountain boat with the dual canopies to make the runs to look at belize realestate from here (and no we won't be carrying shrimp wrapped in 2.5 lb or 1 key square packs while doing it Eeker sorry florida jimmy buffet thing)
ps. lord let me win the lotto
Along those lines, I'd take the traveling chef position with Team Renault. Don't get me wrong, I'd still pull for Ferrari, but I'd like to find out how a guy like Renault's team manager Flavio Briatore attracts all the female attention he gets. I figure it must have something to do with the food because he sure isn't pretty.
Smokelahoma---You have lost your mind!! Of course, I am looking at it from CoffeeBluff's Point of view and I think that he has the right idea in mind for a dream job. I use to feel the same way that you do-- but, now that I am there, doing that; I think I'd rather sell vacuum cleaners door-to-door---have done that too--Kirby's Big Grin
I guess though since it is suppose to be a dream JOB--that usually means work(not for everyone mind you--you know those people Razzer ) I'd sell nothing but ribs three days a week on the side of the road 30 dollars a rack/15 for a half and would like to sell about 60-75 racks a day. 2-1/2 and downs--got to give them their moneys worth. Ribs are EASY and fast---Pork shoulder + fire = cooked pork shoulder. BBQ = Pork shoulder + maintaining a 12-14 hour consistant fire + hours of pulling of the said shoulder cut. There for this Einstien's theory of relativity goes as such....(long hours of personal time/actual end-product)+ cost(this includes peronal time-mine is worth ALOT)= HELLUVA lot of work for VERY little pay. But...the kind comments take away some of the pain and make you feel nice for a moment or 2--but it sure does make paying the bills tough.
I think I would rather go fishing with Coffee! Big Grin

P.S. Oh yeah! Jack--If I win the lottery JOB and WORK are the first 2 words that will dissapear from my Vocabulary. Though I will probably still raise my game fowl--it is kinda like work but if I win the Lotto I can pay some one to do the WORK thing for me Big Grin call us some time
as much as i hate to admit that i am still working 2 jobs (one for another guy 3 days a week and one for peggy 4 days a week) the nice part is telling the doc when he told me to give up smoking "look dude i breathe wood smoke 6 days a week" i still love it!!! and while i would love to do the f1 thing answering to another boss just wouldn't quite cut it (owner where i work just kinda turned me loose and is ez to get along with). but what the heck we are making progress and are even ahead of our business plan schedule.

want some cheese with that whine Razzer you can fool smokin but you can't fool me. i know just how proud of your q you are!!!!

and i hope everyone noticed peg jumped in on this one. seems we go from a small garden to a big one. she was however great at raising rabbits but guess who got the honor of butchering the things?? she would bring them up in a wood slatted green bean box and i would gag for the next 2 hours doing the butchering thing (did find an airpistol worked well. just never could bring myself to hit them).

now since she wants a larger garden then i guess the 63 foot fountain boat isn't out of order. Big Grin

thanks for the input guys. it sure is fun to see other peoples dreams are.
ps. zeb i will call
Zeb, you crack me up.

And WHY haven't I done like you guys? I have friends in the restaurant business that promise to shoot me if I do it.

But, I enjoy competing. Got a new truck yesterday, get my new trailer in two weeks and hit the competition circuit. Yeah, maybe I didn't place last year because I didn't have the right truck and right trailer.
what kind of heresey is this coming from "it's the cook not the cooker" kinda guy. Eeker
seriously after reading your posts i know how proud you are of it and the funny part is it does make you cook better. it's like the rig has it's own high expectations of you and you can't let it down
good luck on the circuit

i will be calling you and like we used to say in the navy it will be long distance
No, it's these guys who own restaurant that tell me the stories that have nothing to do with the quality of the food itself, but all the OTHER stuff about running a restaurant.

Believe me, I know I can cater better Q and ANY of the restaurants in OKC. When I jump into it, it's because i'll be the best. But being friends with all the members of the Board of the Oklahoma Restaurant Association, you hear some horrible horror stories.
oh ok,
by the way believe the other stuff!!!!! it's the reason why i gave my self the present of not running a crew of people when i turned 50. but waitress will be your worst nitemare. they all think they can cook and better than that will try to get your line cooks to give bigger servings in the hope of a better tip. thank god i work for peggy 4 days a week cause the waitress thing kills me the other 3 Razzer
ps. never let 2 friends take out the garbage!!! your wide open for an inventory reduction if you do Eeker
pps. peggy is turning out to be a good boss.she very rarely yells at me anymore and is leaving her uzi in the case more
The inventory stores are some of the worst. Waitresses, heard those too.

Actually had my dream job in College, wish I could do it again. Professional Sports Photographer, worked for AP and UPI, making money taking pics at sporting events. Had an offer to work for a guy at a little magazine called Sports Illustrated, but turned it down as I had to go serve in the Air Force.

AF was a dream job, hit all 7 continents, saw 105 or so countries, lived in Australia for two years and THOSE stories will never be published on the internet...too much fun and I WAS single then.

But Q is my love, after my family and my wife and I'm blessed that I can run the forum (for free) and I do it because I love it.

Momma always said, do what you love and you'll be happy.

I'm happy.

....if I can win a few contests this year Big Grin

ps Jack, don't worry about the UZI, in the environment in your trailer, it will jam after the first or second duck Wink
What? Shoot off the UZI INSIDE the trailer? Are you nuts? That would be just plain silly!

Smokin, you just need to turn around 3 times when you do your turn-in! Make sure you turn counter-clockwise and spit towards the north at the same time. Contests are tricky, aren't they? But they are a lot of fun.

My dream job would be; Chauffer my wife around the country w/our lottery winnings. We would procure a diesel pusher motor home w/a covered trailer. Inside the trailer would be a cookshack 150. I would have a FE100 on order. I would also include Wednesday the all white cat, Ruby our fox colored mut dog. Also would be 2 touring motorbikes or cycles. We would travel 49 outta 50 of our great states. We would attend a ton of bbq contests. Meet a lot of folks on this forum.
We would also explore Yellowstone Park for weeks on end. Then go to Montana and do more exploring.
I would also track down Paul Kirk and Dave Klose and spend some more time w/them.
Hunting and fishing would also be included as much as possible. We would also do some volunteer work, such as Habitat for Humanity, also help where folks are displaced by fires/tornadoes and hurricanes. What else could be more rewarding than this fanatasy dream job include?????

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