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If there is a fat cap, I will take it off after the smoke.I don't have much other fat after I FTC. I don't know if it rendered out or just dissolved into the meat,oh well.

Some thinks that a if the PB stays in the plateau a little longer it can render it-self' pretty dry.

There's plenty of moisture to a PB so I would never leave extra fat in it, but that's just me.
Originally posted by SmokinMAINEiac:
I buy lean PB (is that an oxymoron?) at my butcher's shop


Yeah, I think that's an Oxymoron. Never seen a lean PB. There is too much intramuscular (internal) fat.

For me, I don't trim, I just season and throw it on. Let it cook long enough, most (NOT all) will render.

Depends on how I feel at the end, but I usually throw the fat cap away (tends to come off in one piece) and as I pull the pork, I remove any large fat pieces that don't render. No one wants a big bite of fat. Well, no one in my house.

DrD, here's the thing. Do it however you want. There's really no wrong way to do BBQ. Well, maybe there are some ways that will put you on the end of Public Humilitation (like boiling ribs) but do what you want in your house.

PB's are easy and there are 100's of ways to do it.
When I pull the pork form the CS I foil and let rest for at least 30 minutes; usually longer. If the fat cap comes off at that time, no big deal. Much of the fat has rendered out. After resting I remove any visible fat with the remaining "connective tissue" while pulling. During the foiled resting period there is some rendered fat that accummulates along with the spices in the rub; this is full of flavor and gets mixed back into the pulled meat, at least a portion of it does.
Thanks all... Yes my last butt was a little greasy after pulling it. Next time I'll take off the fat cap. Another mistake I made was getting a little overzealous and pulling it too fine. The first one I did I just kind of pulled it into chunks about the diameter of a dime. It was much better than the one I pulled until it was like spaghetti. Is this the "mush" syndrome? Live and learn...
You may find that a touch of liquid-like Smokin's Vinegar sauce- added during pulling will take away much of the "greasy" mouth feel.

As to the fineness of the meat,a comp cook will try to pull out each of the muscles whole.

Then you can slide any connective tissue off and then decide how to break down the big chunks.
Last edited by tom

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