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Hi, Gary, I think you would get more information if you would ask your question on either or both the Open forum or the Competition forum.

I was involved in the development and the design of the Q-Kitchen and we tried to think of every detail that would make for a good experience for the cook. Our CEO, Stuart, has been taking a Q-Kitchen to barbecue competitions for about 9 months, and he loves how it performs. You can call and ask for him and he will be glad to visit with you about it.

He might be able to put you in touch with someone who owns one. If you don't have a catalog yet, we would be glad to send on to you.

Call 1-800-423-0698 to reach us.
Gary I have been at all the contest Mrs. Donna is speaking of. I have watched Him pull in and be set up , I mean dropped from towing, wheels off, level, and ready to go in under 15 minutes. I haven't cooked on one but equipped with the FEC 100's cooking will be nice and I have been there when he has been prepping meat. It sure looks handy having a sink and shelves at your disposable. Good luck.

From the what it's worth dept.

I still kick myself for not buying the Q kitchen in the first place. After getting the FEC100 plus an aftermarket trailer and all the other accessories needed....and I must mention the labor of loading afformentioned before every competition..... well... I hope you get the picture.

I doubt you will be dissapointed at all.

All the best


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