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I have been going around sampling other restaurants the last few weeks. I have found when I order ribs does not matter which kind (Pork or Beef) the resurants are heating them up on a grill.

My question is Why? I think it takes the flavor our of the rib. What do you think?

New York, NY

Go Sooners
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Horror of horrors!!! Depending on the type of restaurant, your ribs may not have even been smoked. Shreek!

I don't have a problem heating on the grill. A lot of(maybe most) non-BBQ restaurants also steam their ribs to precook, then glaze as they grill to order. Such is life. I know it's not the right way, but some of these ribs can be pretty good even though I grimace as I write that.

Truth is, unless you sell a lot of ribs and can serve direct from the smoker, grilling may be your best method of reheating to provide adequate service times. Some places I know of reheat their beef ribs in a large vat of sauce, but that still requires a substantial sales volume to be practical. Oven reheating can work well if you can avoid the "Oops!" factor so common with bacon and toasted crutons.
Originally posted by davidsbest:
A number of these places have a cookshack.They will take the ribs out of the smoker and then put them on the grill

That takes us back to your original question, "Why?". Now I'm curious. I have no answer why they would pull from the smoker and throw on the grill unless they are holding at a low temp and need the reheat, or they are saucing the ribs on the grill. My first response was thinking more about a TGIFridays or Applebees type restaurant.
It's been out there for a LONG time.

A lot of them will pre-cook in whatever then "finish" on the grill. Since many/most of them don't put any rub on them and they want to add a sauce, then that's how they get the sauce to stick/carmalize.

It's just their method of reheating. Quicker and easier and "made to order" they think.

Since this was a number of places, did you ask they why they did it?

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