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I'm not a professional, but I saw a unique way of selling & serving ribs, that I had never seen before, at a local food festival we had here about a week ago. For $6.00 one of the vendors sold 5 or 6 individually cut ribs stuck in a 12 or 16 oz. plastic cup with a little BBQ sauce in the bottom. Seemed like a neat idea, not too messy and you could walk around while you chowed down on ribs. Beats balancing a paper plate on your lap and I would bet the vendor had a pretty good profit margin too.
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What a great idea.........makes for simple portion control and served with a napkin or finger wipe takes away the problem of people putting their hands back in gloves (all sticky) in cold weather,

We'll try this at our Christmas market and let you know how we get on,

Keep worries the cows!!
great idea!! i am worried about the price though. how would you all price you ribs"""""""?

i keep hearing about a dollar a bone for ribs and i just dont get it. i cut tons of racks of st louis ribs and i see alot of variances in each. some tiny, some huge. but almost always, 12 bones in a rack. now i pay 3 dollars a pound, and a raw rack will weigh 2.5 pounds meaning i paid 7.75 for one rack. i am gonna spend 6 hours preping and smoking that rack. then that 7.75 plus smoke cost will only yeild 12 dollars?? where is the profit????? thats like 75 percent food cost!!!!! yep, terrible. i say 2 bucks a bone sounds about right, but who would buy it!
last friday i got 2.5 down st louis from st johns food service here. price was 3.29/lb. ribs very consistant at 15 per slab. packer was ibp. 3 slabs per cyrovac and 6 cyro to case. slab sizes were also very consistant with no big and little problems.
just thinking while i do this gives me a raw price of about 8.25 per slab.
to cook them 4 hours in my fec used maybe 5 pounds of bbq'ers delite pellets at 34/40 lbs. that adds 4 bucks. now price is at 12.25 per slab. figure shrinkage is around 25% .price on slab is now around 15.50.
ok here's where my mental exercise will make me happy or sad. dividing 15.50 by 15 gives me about dollar 5.
looks like only 4 go in my cup.
man that was fun!!!!!!!
thanks for your post!!!!!!!
hey and we already have 8 oz cups so i don't have to buy a thing!!!!!
jack, if you are getting 15 bones in a rack, that is excellent. i never get more than 13. also my shrinkage is at 40 percent. just double check, and be careful, and dont work for free!
on another note...... i quite smoking tobacco over 2 months ago! yeehaw! now i cant get the smell of wood smoke off me. i smell it all the time. no wonder all my friends pets love me.haha
its amazing how much taste and smells have come alive ,,,,,,
congrats on the no smoking!!!!
i would quit but am afraid it would throw my taste buds off.
just kidding but you do have my respect for being able to quit
ps. man it is going to be fun measuring an exact pound of pellets and burning them.
thank goodness i only have 3 favorite heat settings (plus you to blame Razzer )
My brother and I were thinking the same thing the other day, trying to come up with a name for our BBQ place. Then it hit us:

The Meat Bucket BBQ


Bucket BBQ

The idea of course was to build the motif around the use of "buckets" for ribs, pulled pork, hot links and such.

You can get cups these days that look like a bucket. If you could get some that have a silver color that would be really nice.
That sounds like a fun place to me, bkyard. A bucket of tea with a straw could be a "suck it-bucket"! This sounds dumb, but what exactly are hot links? I hear them mentioned a lot and figured they must be sausage?
Sometimes I've seen little citronella candles in what looks like anodized aluminum buckets. I've seen them in different sizes, but I don't know where the people that make those find the buckets.
Good luck with your place!

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