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here is what i do
last price for spare ribs was 1.49/lb.
one knife cut turns this into st louis style which sell at around 2.49/lb leaving rib tips as "waste".
ok figuring a 50% loss in weight that would give a cooked price cost on the rib tips of around 2.25 off the top of my head.
heck i would try for a sale price of around 6 to 6.75 by the pound and see how many takers i got.
the stlouis sell for about 14/slab around here so it would be a good way to save money for you on ribs and make money on the trim.
by the way you can buy rib tips but why pay someone else to make one knife cut. they freeze well with only a little care and the low price would make a good special
hope this helps
if it doesn't i will get out my calculator and try to come up with good hard costs.
2 Greyhounds....SMOKIN!!!!
by the way none of this includes utilities for cooking
Thanks for the response. We are actually considering buying the rib tips already cut for somewhere around 90 cents to $1.05/lb., which is the range of prices I have heard. We were wondering what the shrinkage is on them as they cook. The only selling price I have is from one place close to us and he gets $5.59/lb.

Even with a cost of $1.05/lb. that leaves a lot of room for profit. In these parts I have been told that you will often sell more rib tips than ribs.
wow smoke
your response makes me feel good cause i did all the numbers off the top of my head and came really close to your projections( while monitoring the hurricane predictions). i will stand by the 50% shrinkage as that is the best i ever have done and that included keeping my waterpan full and a low fire but maybe you can fiddle with that and improve it. if you do please let me know the secret
ps i never have really figured out which i like the best. cooking or crunching numbers. i guess i like them equally

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