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I am a fairly new FEC-100 cooker and was just doing my third cook this weekend. I noticed two things very unusual with the thermostat. I will call CS on Monday but wanted to post in case others have also seen.
1) I had to set a temp much higher than the desired cook temp in order to get near where I wanted to be. So, for cooking at 230, I had to set it for 260. Even then, it didn't stay that close to 230 (see point #2)
2) I had HUGE swings. Here is an actual sequence of self-reported temperatures from the cookshack display. Note: These are all about 3 hours after setting it for 260, 2 hours after the meat went on, and without opening the door at all after adding the meat: 224-224-224-224-226-226-226-216-216-216-216-216-246-246-246-246-232-232-232-232

During the 30 minutes or so I was recording temps, I saw it get as high as 250 (only momentarily) and as low as 206 (again only momentarily). It never got anywhere NEAR 260.

I was using a flue vent (5" angle with attached pipe).

Anyone seen anything like this? I've seen other comments on the forums about big swings, and some suggesting the cooker will overshoot, but never so much error on the "cold side".

First contest is in 2 weeks and still trying to get the kinks out.

Thanks to any who can offer insight! I love the potential of this cooker as long as I can get it figured out!

Ken Ramaley
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Greetings my friend,

I bought my fec at the begining of march and I will have owned it for almost thirty days now. My fec does the same thing and I have read the forums and even talked to cookshack just for reassurance. The more u cook on it and the more it gets seasoned the better it will cook and the temps will calm down. If your cooking larger pieces of meat it will settle down at about the three hour mark or so. I set mine, put the food in and let it do its thing. Watching the iq4 controler every 10 min to see what its reading is like a new bbq'er opening the smoker every 10 min to see what the meat looks like. I know it bothers you and it did me for a while, but everything has turned out like it should when it should. I to have a contest in two weeks and it will be great, just keep cooking.
How is your unit functioniong now since your last post? I just got an FEC-100 last week and was cooking a few things and noticed that my temps were no where near my set range. Before that I ran it at a set of 300 to cure it for an hour but it was running about 350 the whole time. I wanted to know if yours was acting more predictably after some use.

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