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Originally posted by JRLowey:

Could anyone tell me if I could use sawdust in the sm066? I have 3-40# bags from previous smoker.

Also, anyone using the hanging rods in this unit? How many would you suggest to purchase with initial order?

Thanks, Jim

Someone probably has experience with this and will weigh in but I recommend calling Bill @Cookshack Customer Service. He is the guy in their demo videos (on the CS website) and one of their technical/service advisors. I'm sure he's seen and heard it all by now. It's also a great way for you to experience the service that you will get after the sale firsthand! Good luck and let us know what he says.
The SM066/Amerique is designed to use wood chunks. In order to use sawdust, I think you would have to wrap the sawdust in foil to keep it from going thru the holes in bottom of woodbox and then falling directly on the heating element. As Joe M said above, call Cookshack and talk to them. Since wood chunks are pretty cheap and the Amerique uses only a couple of chunks for each smoke, I would find another use for that sawdust (makes good plant mulch) and buy some wood chunks.

As for the hanging rods, when doing jerky I usually just put mine on either the seafood racks or on frogmats (silicone open-weave baking mats) on the regular grills.

I have used the rib-hooks a few times for hanging ribs - a dozen of those is all you would need.

The SM066/Amerique is a nice unit and it will serve you well for many, many years. (Until you decide a FEC100 pellet smoker is what you need next - as I did after 7 years with an Amerique).

Have fun with your new Cookshack - they are a great smoker, no matter which unit you buy!!
Sawdust would burn up way to fast. Good for cold smoking though. No holes is the bottom of the wood box on the new 66's and you can wrap with foil but chunks are cheep or do a lot of cold smoking!!!. I agree with olysmokes, use it for mulch! I went to a local welding shop and had them cut me some stainless steel rods, way cheaper, less then 20$ for 12 foot 1/4 inch rod and they cut it. I got 8 cut to 17.5 inches. Usually use 6 or 7 when making jerky. Can hang 6 or so pounds raw weigh of meat comfortably.
Last edited by wilber
Though I'ver never used sawdust but have used chips on my 066, I would wrap them up in alum foil and poke holes on top of foil to let smoke out. Used for quick smokes cheese etc cuz the would burn up so fast. Don't see any reason not to try it on several packets for longer smokes and place them in every 30 min or so.

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