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Hi everyone...

Well I am still deciding on what smoker I want and have been for a few months now.

It's pretty much come down to a CS or FEC. I do have to say, I like the FEC because you have a larger range of temps compared to the CS.

My problem is that I don't think that I would be using either as often as some do. I'm thinking something like every other weekend, so I don't know if the cost of an FEC would "pay" for itself in this way. That is why I've thought maybe the CS.

What do you all think?

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Unless you want to do competition smoking or do a lot of chicken parts and pieces I would get a model 50 or 55. I have one and likewise I am sort of in the every other week end crowd as well. I like the bigger size. This past week end I did a couple pans of "Cedar Key Beans" (which were a hit, Thanks for the reciepe Tom!) and Baby backs. Both turned out delicious and I was not cramped for space. Perhaps with a little more experience I could have got all this into a model 08 or 09. Roger
Owning all the various CS's, it comes down, not to competition cooking, but what and how much you're wanting to cook.

For a wider range, the FEC will do.
For every other weekend, any of them will do.

Maybe give us an idea of how much and what you're wanting to smoke and we can help.
SmokieOkie is right on. How many people do you plan on feeding and how often? If you are going to feed a crowd on a regular basis, then go with the bigger model. I cook for 3 adults and 1 child so the 009 is a good size for me. I usually just cook one type meat at a time but I've done baby backs and chicken at the same time. Hopefully I'll win the new Cookshack smoker that costs $1495 and I can move up. I submitted about 50 names so I hope I'm in the running.

Post a typical cook and let the members help out. With almost 5,000 members, this forum is never short on advice. Most people wish they had the bigger unit verses the smaller unit if that helps.
As far as the amount of people I would be would be around 7 most of the time and up to 20 less frequently.

As far as what I would be would probably run the range of everything from poultry to ribs and brisket as well as fish perhaps...not all at once of course.

If 7 is the normal range I would go with the smaller unit. I cook 2 slabs of pork loin ribs using Weber racks and that easily feeds 3 adults and my 10-year old son who is a poor eater. I always have left overs. This is only cooking on 2 shelves. I know I can get 3.5 - 4 slabs of pork loin ribs in if I use 3 Weber racks. Use bambo or metal rods to hold the ribs in place and add extra ribs to the outside of the rack.

You can always start a brisket the night prior and foil it and then place it in a cooler. The cooler will allow the meat to continue cooking and then you can place some ribs or chicken on.

If the extra money is no difference, I would go for the bigger unit if you think you will use it on a regular basis. If you have 20 folks 2 -3 times per year, then the smaller unit might be the thing for you.

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