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I'm being wooed by a Sysco Rep. The have 8 to 9 lb choice briskets they'll sell me for 1.49 @ lb. Thats way better than the 2.87 I currently pay. Is this girl just trying to reel me in and then stick it to me later? Can she deal on the price of everything? I'm sure the quality is good, am I right?

Also I'm contemplating taking my catering operation and adding a fixed location to it. Personally I'm getting tired of running all over town, I would like a fixed kitchen location to operate out of and send a catering crew out to parties. I know all the statistics "97% fail in the first year" blah, blah, blah. Crazy me I'm still considering it.

My conception is a classic "meat and 3" if any of you have advice about menu, marketing, set-up etc. please share.

Also what all can this sysco rep give me for free? I'm going to there food show next week and hope to be twisting arms for freebies then.
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Hi Johnny... The answere to your first two questions is yes! The answere to the third question is, well, they have some good products & some horrible ones. Make sure that you get a sample of the product that you intend to buy and let her know that if the product that you buy in the future doesn't measure up to the sample that you received, you will return it & expect a full invoice credit not a replacement. Sysco often re-delivers returned product to other users not considered "prime costomers". If you are a high volume customer you probably won't have a problem but if you are only buying a couple of hundred dollars a week you better keep an eye on them. Also, once you determine the products that you decide to buy from Sysco ask the rep for a price sheet on those products and ask her to notify you prior to shipping if the price changes. Ask your rep for a Sysco catalog and then ask yourself why there isn't any prices in it. Sure, prices change, but they could easily send out supplements when they do. Let the buyer beware! Lastly, ask your rep if she is paid on commission based upon your puchases or if she is salaried Wink
I think that the one important fact in pricing from any major food supplier is that volume determines price. The volume (in dollars) that you do with the supplier automatically locks in the price you get. Therefore, try to find a food buyer's group. That way you get lowered prices on most of the products.
I started a buyer's group and we received, overall, approximately 15% drop in our food cost.
Also, with a group, you can contact the manufacturer directly and if you sign to use their products you can usually receive some kind of rebate from them as well.
All major food suppliers use the basic same formula for pricing, so it does not matter who you use or who the rep is.
This, of course, is based on only what I have experienced in the business.
i use sysco for a bunch of products. also u.s. foods and sams. all are good, but you gotta shop around. i save a ton of money each week just by asking what the prices are before ordering. sometimes the prices are similar and sometimes there are drastic differences. it all depends on the market and the deal each company got for their warehouse full. as for your menu, well thats up to you and your location. for me, i offer 8 different entres and 8 different sides. i think variety will net more customers.
I hope this rep is a small girl because I wouldn't trust sysco any further than I could throw their rep!!!!! Been burnt too many times and my personal opinon is they are a wart on the face of humanity.
harsh?? no. honest?? yes!!! i just despise them and their tactics
2 Greyhounds....SMOKIN!!!!

Sounds to me like the brisket pricing is apples to oranges i.e. Whole Brisket or Brisket Flat. Also Sysco has a way of repackaging items into smaller case counts so that their prices look low or competitive. Example, most produce companies Sell a 12ct Case of Cauliflower. Sysco Sells a 12ct SIZE Cauliflower that actually comes packed 8 to the case. Sysco's price is about a buck lower than the produce company's but you're getting 4 fewer heads of cauliflower. Compare descriptions and prices very carefully!

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