I take it that your looking for use in an everyday commercial setting. #1 is the rate of fuel usage. The FE products use alot less pellets , which relates to more money left in your pocket.#2 The FE's are so well insulated that the burnners run on the minimal setting which means they smoke more and produces a better tasting product.#3 The FE's are easeir to maintain and more user friendly. The FE2000 rottiserie is easily loaded and unloaded compared to units that have big shelfs. The parts in the FE100 will fit in a commercial dishwasher.#4 Stainless steel interiors are standard. This will relate to longer life, easy cleaning,and no rust.
How do you plan to use the unit? Are you putting it indoors? Do you want it portable? Will it be run everyday? Do you cook atlow or high temps?
Give me or John Shiflet a call and we would be more then happy to go over many more points then this. My # is 816-213-3473 or John's is 800-423-0698.