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I have found a deal on a Trailer Tech trailer. In searching the forum, found a few who, at one time had some problems with them early on. Most posts on them were 2004,2005. I was wondering how that all panned out. Would they still buy a trailer tech today? Specific issues were flooring undercoating, missing items, overall quality, rusting interior parts. Elsewhere I have heard of mention that the interior aluminum doesn't stand up to cleaning agents well. I guess I'm asking for overall opinions from trailer tech owners - if doing it again would you buy trailer tech? I am dealing long distance on one and am just wondering if there ae any particular things I should look at or be careful of, particular questions I should as regarding the trailer tech. I have been researching trailers and searching for several months, but after reading several posts here got a little concerned about this particular brand rig. Getting close to driving cross-country with a big cashiers check in hand and need a little advice. Thanks for any input from other owners.
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