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I just catered a big lunch of tri-tip and fresh-cut fries. It turned out great, but I wound up cooking too much. While I've figured out my brisket and butt portions, I don't have a clue what to expect for these.

How many servings from a single tri-tip roast? I make sandwiches in 8" hoagie buns.

How do you figure servings for french fries?

Original Post
This post has been on for awhile, but I'm new to the site and wanted to give my 2 cents. I used to do grilled tri-tip extensively, I'm new to slow barbecuing. We used to figure 1/3 lb. uncooked weight for dinners and 1/4 lb. uncooked for tri-tip sandwiches. This was for take-out only - Little league lunches type stuff. I'm sure some might consider this a little light.

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