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I'm curious about how this works.
Some of the CS rigs are USDA/NSF for selling product to consumers.. others are not.

Does this mean that you can't use product from a non-approved smoker for catering or other vending?

Reason I ask this is.. I go to a BBQ joint nearby.. it's open pit.. a big stone grill fired with oak logs and big ugly steel grill on top with plenty of place for both smoke grilling and holding. Another resturant nearby has a plain old ugly Weber gas grill outside to do cooking for making sandwiches, etc. Another supermarket regularly does tri-tips and chicken on a grill and sells directly to customers. I've been to plenty of places in the midwest that have steel offsets in the yard smoking product. None of these are what one could (obviously??? ) consider NSF or USDA approved.. or am I way off base?

EDUMACATE me... Bill
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Ask your local health dept. New regulations require food service places, including catering to be NSF rated, based on what I hear from many people and in Catering workshops.

Just because these places you mention aren't, doesn't mean their legal. First question is to ask their health dept. Also, some places are "grandfathered" in because they've been there so long.

Most catering, done out of the house is illegal, for a lot of the same reasons.

Always comes down to the health dept.

CS works hard for those ratings and it does matter to larger restuarants and chains, so they can get Health dept approval.
Thanks Smokin.. I know all these places are food certified.. otherwise.. they'd never be able to be called a resturant, here anyhoo. Calif is pretty dern strict about this.. as I imagine are other states. None of them are back door places.

Worth a check to see what the local rules are.

man you is hitting close to bone so to speak.
we have our state inspection scheduled for january and we a sweating it. every last thing in the rig has a nsf sticker on it. just praying to god we dont get nailed because the fec doent have a ul sticker but can argue ul pending and ul is only for insurance ect.
my personal feelings are this
1- i agree with the state that all smokers should be surrounded by screening and i dont care who i make mad with that
2- i agree that at least one person should have the serv safe rating of professional food safety manager (and man what a fun test that is every 5 years)
3- i do not agree with nsf on pits. if 1 and 2 are met i dont care what they cook on.
4- gloves and their mandatory use. i hate this and i am convienced that it has caused more cross contaimenation than it has prevented. i watch daily people who put one set of gloves on at the start of a shift and never take them off till they leave work!!!!! are their hands clean?? course they are but the gloves darn sure aint!!!!!
i am convinced that the big rise in food bourne illness can be directly traced to gloves. its just a mental thing, hands clean since i got me gloves on. myself do away with them and make people wash their hands. doesnt take too many prompts and every human knows when their hands are dirty.
sorry i kinda rambled but this nsf and glove thing really gets my goat ( and no peg wont let me smoke one) but what the heck happened before these goofy rules???? i think it is just a conspiracy to let college grads with worthless degrees like med-i-evil art get a job
hope this helps i know it helpped me

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