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Been using my new FE100 in the desert for about 30 days now. This past week our daytime temps are around 104. It will be getting past 110 in another 45 days or so. After talking to Eddy we moved the hopper dial to the #2 setting. After 2 hours cooking we have a 250 temp while sitting on Smoke.

Any desert or high heat experience out there???

We are worried that going to setting #3 might start having the fire go out.
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Our temp check points were the digital read out from the FE as well as a probe put into the exhaust openning.

We used the cooker in an event in Modesto this past weekend. Pickup Reserve GC. Our movement of the auger to the number two setting help a lot. But then the temp at the contest was 80 days and 50 at night. We didn't experience and flame outs so we are going to try moving the auger setting over to #3. As I understand it from Eddy, moving the setting up from factory setting of 1, reduces the number of seconds that the auger is on during each cycle.
My FE100 was set on 3 when it was first delivered and was like that until I had my first burn out about 6 months later! But it used to be outside and when I moved it inside is when the problem started. It happened several times until I discovered the #3 position. The issue may have been air. Now whenever I use the oven for a long period and it will be unattented I use one of my probes in the ovens air and set the alarm for a lower temp then where the temp is set.

Perhaps a previous post will explain to some of those that are asking about how to calibrate or how the timing works. If you'll go back on this forum to Feb 15th you'll find post "Another burn out". I had posted how the FE100 auger is timed within that post as a reply.

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