This time the exhaust was fully open; the hopper was empty with no dust; new batch of BBQ Delight pellets (hickory and cherry blend) checked for fines and dust prior to filling the hopper. Started at 10pm on smoke with 2 briskets and 2 pork butts on middle shelves. On smoke for 2 hours and then at midnight switched to 250 degrees setpoint and monitored until under control.
Went to bed and got up at 2:30 to make a deposit on the beer that I had rented and checked the FEC. All OK.
5:30am much smoke from the hopper; pellets disintegrating due to moisture; pit temp at 180 degrees; bottom of hopper on fire; removed all the mess from the hopper, to include the paint that had heated and curled up and flaked off, on both the inside and outside of the hopper with a mess running down on the IQ4 control that has made a mess of it.
Got it restarted and back up to temp with fresh pellets and scrambled to try and recover my comp meat which was interesting.
Anyone have any ideas? As an aside, I was told by a pellet manufacturer that the reason no longer using IQ4 was for this type of problem. Multiple hopper fires. I will also be calling Tony on Monday. Thanks for any insite as this is a new one to me and I have been using since 2005.
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