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I am competeting in my first contest this weekend. I openend the local paper and there is nice coverage about the event, but the featured team made a point to say that they have:

"A particular animus toward barbecuers who use compressed wood pellets in their smokers. "The way these pits work, if the temperature drops, more pellets are automatically dropped into the fire," he said. "But a big part of barbecue skill is your ability to manage fire and maintain 210 to 280 degrees in your pit. These 'pellet poopers' just set their thermostat and go to sleep."

Please help me with some ammo in case this comes up again.
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Well, first thoughts comes to mind...

...kiss my butts
...bite my brisket
...choke my....oops
...rack my ribs (okay it doesn't sing).

Here's what I say. Nothing. He's entitled to his opinion and you won't change him.

It's always been and always will be about the cook, not the cooker. His way of thinking makes it the cooker not the cook.

If you show up on stage to get a ribbon, he'll think you didn't earn it because of your smoker? Well, he doesn't know anything. If it was that easy, I would have won every contest I entered. You still have to master meat prep, rubs, sauces, timing, contest boxes, judges, and a whole bunch of other things.

If he thinks there's a particular 'right of passage' to prove he can make his smoker work, then he's just envious that he hasn't figured out how to make it work so he doesn't stay up at night.

How about the other stick burners who don't have to tend fire all night because they have a $20,000 stick burner that is more efficient?

How about the Weber users who use the Minion method and can run all night without adding fuel?

A BIG part of MY BBQ skills has nothing to do with my smoker. There's a whole lot more to Q'in than just temp control and if he has a particular animus towards Pelletheads, then he needs to throw down the challenge and we'll meet him at any contest he wants.

I don't think he wants us there because he knows he's been losing to Pelletheads and he thinks it's the cooker.

Man, I love this forum.
i normally do like ribdog and smokinokie do which is to just ignore it.
but i met a fellow who just wouldn't give it up so i remembered a post tom did a while back about planting the tree and letting it grow up and raising the cow and digging the pit to cook it in.
so i finally said "nice steel you made there for your pit. and the hickory you grew looks really exceptional and well seasoned." ended that right there and we even had a beer together Big Grin
but the best thing to do is just ignore it but i do thank tom for his post which gave me the idea
I know what you mean. I cook on two FEC 100's and I had a very well known competitor who uses a stick burner say, he sure does like beating us guys who uses pellet cookers. Well guess what he did not win the competition and was beat by alot of pellet cookers. I just can't wait till I beat him head on and then walk up to him with the GC.
Smoky Mountain Smokers
Well since Ihave two great smokers, a Jed and an FEC, I can get 10-12 hours out of the Jed and it will stay 200-230 through thick and thin (It did it Friday night at the royal last year in the rain and sleet)So I light my chimneys, stick them in the Jed to warm the cooker, after an hour the smoker is 180ish, light the ring and about 10 everyhting is stabilized. Set my maverick to alert at 175 or 250 and go to bed. Wake up at 6 am and check the meats, add lump if necessary, and get to work.

With the FEC, I turn the knob and get the smoker up to heat, go to bed and wake up at 6 ish and do the same thing.

I do not see much of a difference.

Even though I am giving serious thought to getting out of competition, i wish it were open, so you could run what you brung, and let the best COOK win, not the cooker.

just my .02

I don't think he wants us there because he knows he's been losing to Pelletheads and he thinks it's the cooker.

He doesn't lose to much of anybody, and he and Ray have already had the pleasure of making each others acquintance.

Phil (the person in the article) is a great cook and a super human being. The quote about "pellet poopers" was just part of an explaination about different sanctioning bodies that was presented out of context in the article.
His beef isn't really with pellet cookers per se, just with thermostatically controlled element of them.
Phil is a great guy, hunt him up under the fire breathing pig banner and shake hands with one of finest ambassadors of BBQ you'll ever meet.
You guys are being pretty rough on someone you haven't met! Excepting Scott!

Okie - you, as a leader of this forum, need to cool your jets a bit. You've never met Phil - but you need to.

You see, that other Forum welcomes ALL cookers. I know for a fact the members have: BGEs, FEC, ECBs, Kingfishers, Klose, home built of many models, gassers, electrics, kettles, etc. Maybe it's time we worked together to push forward the delights of que and lay off the vitriol.

They constantly poke each other about the rigs. He was quoted in a newpaper feature!! The question is - what would HE change. He cooks with a stick burner - what would you expect??

For the record, I have a stick burner. I compete regularly against Ocala Bill, Jack & Peggy, and other pellet cookers and regulated equipment. Each of us is free to purchase the equipment we want to use - and let's not forget that opinions are like certain orfices in the body - each of us has one.

Just my $.02 worth - your mileage may vary!

I also have a right to my opinion, and I don't have to meet him, my post was to someone from our forum who asked how they would respond to such comments. It was a article in general who comments negatively about a process (pellet cooking).

This is a friendly forum, we didn't attack him, you might look at the post and realize it was poking fun at him. The original post didn't mention him by name, so it wasn't about him, it was about his opinion.

You said you own a stick burner, do you own a Pellet cooker? If not, then you probably haven't had to put up with these comments, which many times get personal. You mention a lot of other cookers out there, but there are many other forums that treat CS very unfairly.

This forum does welcome all cookers, we didn't ban him from the forum nor did we attack him personally. The individual, whoever he is, is welcome to join the forum and represent his views.

The concept expressed in this post is something we all hear so it's okay to answer the original question
How do you respond to opinions like this?

And "for the record" I don't work for CS, and the opinions expressed are always my own.
Well Dave, if the comments were taken out of context, why doesn't someone post a link to the article?

Also, I still agree with Okie on this one. Even if Phil was poking fun at other cookers, that "joking" usually does not transcend in to an article which the public is reading. They have to take the comments at face value which may lead to an inappropriate interpretation of the comment. Newspaper articles are not the place to express frivolity over different smokers.

Just my $.02 worth.

This is like the outing of a CIA operative! I purposly never mentioned the contest, name of the newspaper or the name of the person in the article. But some how it was uncovered. Thats amazing!

I have a 60" JR Cooker (stickburner) a WSM and and a FEC100. Not to mention a bunch of grills. I believe it is the cook not the cooker, and I can cook equally wello on all my equipment. I will be competing with my FEC at my first unmentioned contest, instead of my JR, because it allows me to spend more time working on other items, and maybe getting a few hours sleep.

I did not know what to expect from the other competitors so that is why I asked for some help from people at the FEC specific forum and not at Ray's forum.

I look at it this way If if it were that easy with pellet cookers, we would win every contest everywhere, and while FEC owners have had their share, it is by no means a lock.
See LI Craig...what you started Big Grin

You didn't mention those things on purpose and we didn't discuss them until information was added.

Again, I have no issue with the person making the comments, just the comment itself.

Nah, it's all in good nature and everyone gets defensive when they're "method" is mentioned in negative light in the press.

As for other forums being friendly, just go to a few of them an post you own a CS Electric Smoker and see the responses.

We're all family here, let's not make it personal (which it hasn't) and get back to defending Pelletdom.
You need to check out Phil's forum before you continue to trash him and his group. I don't know if it's againist the rules to post a link to it, but it

All sorts of cookers and cooks are welcomed there.

Phil's placed top 5 if not 1st in every cook he's entered. He knows his sh-t. And un-like some of the big names in the BBQ world, isn't big headed about it.

Craig, I hope we meet up at Grill Kings. One of the things you'll find at the competetions is that the people in the BBQ community are some of the nicest and friendliest (is that a word?) around. They look out for each other.

Let your neighbors there know it's your first time out and I'll guarntee that they'll help you out.

What's your team name?
I currently own a stickburner. I also cater and vend - I'm looking real hard at a FE or CS (possibly both as Jack has done) - I cook on all types of equipment and appreciate the ease of turning the knob and going to bed! Big Grin I also appreciate burning sticks and the volume I can turn out on my rotisserie rig.

Uncovering the background on an article run in a NY paper isn't too tough - circulation is only about 3/4 million! I'm hoping Craig decides to stop by and say hello - anymosity between forums is NOT pretty. Especially when it's based on a quote in a feature food article.

By the by, Scott is a member and moderator in the "other" forum as am I. If anyone is interested the article is at:

Then click on "King of His grill" for the story.

A guy shouldn't be burned in effigy for a 65 word answer to a question posed at the end of an article. He never intimated that these cookers can't produce good que.

You guys are great ambassadors for these cookers.
No anomisity here, I am sure Phil is a great guy, and I would be honored top meet him Saturday. The thing that is funny to me is, that until the tenth post down, no one knew who the quote was from. No one was trashing him, because no one knew him by name. I have been cooking for along time , and this is my first contest. I was actually suprised to see the quote about pelletheads and since I did not know what to expect when I met the other teams I asked for background help. Thats all. Lets not turn this in to WWIII!

Lets all have a beer or 2 or 3 Saturday, and may the best cook win! (I will be happy to finish 42 out of 43!)
i agree with you. i think that all competitions should be open to any type of smoker and i don't care if it is gas, electric, pellet, stick or solar powered.
matter of fact dave_clearwater made us feel really welcome at plant city and we had a nice time together and compared notes. if memory serves me correct he thinks like i do "it's the cook not the cooker so bring it on."
thruthfully i have only had one person really get funny about pellets so i think it is much ado about nothing.
the tops teams could care less. heck we were parked right next to myron mixon and jack's old south at okeechobee and he gave us good advice and he even saw my fec!!!!!

ps. dave i am glad that you are here. i lost your card to get to the website and sure am glad to renew an old friendship Big Grin
Now, isn't that better! Big Grin

Jack, my partner Tim and I were next to you at Plant City - we had the HUGE trailer rig and were trying to vend some turkey legs!!

I want another look at your rig next time we show up at the same cook off. The next on for Southern Brethren is Dillard, GA, and then Key Largo -- we're not sure about "in the middle" but will definately be judging if not cooking.

I think Phil may post a response to all the above - he really doesn't read many forums and so this whole thing was a surprise to him! Big Grin

I was supposed to cook with BBQ-Brethren at Grillkings but had a conflict come up.
no problem we will be happy to let you look or i can email pics.
with the farmers market every saturday our next contest is going to be minneola which is near orlando at the end of october. got 2nd at the fba state championships last year in brisket and going for 1st this time!!
I'm always amused when this thread comes around. So much emotion. I recently had an early FE cook tell me how Dr BBQ would call him a cheat because heused a pellet burner. Opinions change over time. Hopefully, sometime soon, everyone can use whatever they want. Of course us FE guys will be upset when they start beating us with a CS009.
That must have been quite a while ago Fred. Since he had his custom pellet cooker made back in the late 90s, I think, that was his main cooker until he started using the BGEs more. Let's be honest, I was not sure about pellet cookers back when I first judging in 98 but that was because I did not understand them. As you can see, I have no problem with them now!

Hey Fred,

I seem to remember when J.J.,my chicken idol, asked for permission to use his 009 as a holding oven ,after cooking,since it fell within the rules.

He always believed good cooks ,could cook.

As we know,his approach is a variation, for many cooks now.

Back in the day,as Ribdog says,we were grunts for drbbq.

He came off a Jed,with a kettle on the front,to a custom FE.

He figured out that an FE was the way of the future,and I never heard him regret the past.

As we've seen,he competes well on anything.

When you going to get yourself over here for some good times?
I don't know most of the people you guys are talking about. If somebody is quoted in a newspapper with 3/4 million circulation saying he has an "animus" toward pellet cookers and the people that use them are unskilled, I don't think responding to what he says on this forum is a "personal attack". What he says is ignorant. Most people with pellet cookers either have used or still use other types of cookers. Fast Eddy won the All American BBQ contest episode with the cinder blocks and chicken wire, that's got to tell you something about how "unskilled" people who use pellet cookers are. If he or his buddies are offended when people respond to what he says in the newspaper, maybe he should be more careful about what he says in the newspaper.
BrookynQ posts "Phil's placed top 5 if not 1st in every cook he's entered. He knows his sh-t. And un-like some of the big names in the BBQ world, isn't big headed about it."

Now that is impressive. What is Phil's team name? Is it the same name as the website?

Pellet Envy

P.S. - Honestly, there have been bigger shots taken at pellet cookers. I'd bet the guy had to dig deep to come up with anything negative to say about competition barbecue. If his record is as BrookynQ says it is, I don't know why he would bother to mention pellet cookers at all. Obviously they are no threat to the guy. Although, I have to wonder if that interview was done after he'd been up for 36 hours straight. Isn't that what the article mentioned?
This just is from the Long Island cookoff:

Just came from the 3rd Annual Grill Kings Long Island BBQ Cook-Off where our own Dr. BBQ came in as Grand Champion. Ray came in 2nd place for chicken, 2nd place for ribs and 2nd place for brisket. I was lucky enough to spend some time with Ray and it was a real pleasure. Once again Ray Congratulations!!!

This was posted by "Retired Railroader" over on the BGE forum.

Way to go Ray!!!

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