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3.82usd/gallon selling at 3usd/8oz jar. works out to 24usd/gallon sale price. amazing what happens when you decrease jar size seems a lot of people are willing to part with 3 bucks and we hope it continues.
2 Greyhounds....SMOKIN!!!!
PS to kinsman the trailer tech with smokers installed is schedule for pick up July 10. wish me luck. i aint ever towed anything
Excuse me but what do you mean you never got an answer to your last query about the cost of bbq sauce. I think I clearly stated what it cost me to make my sauce, which answered your question, and a lot more information that I thought could help you and others. Then your second query seems to have a bit of bitterness because you received info except what you asked for! And...never even a thank you nor even a comment for all the time I and others took for you...and this is not the first time. You come here and ask and you get very good answers. No one asks for your contribution of info nor is it necessary, but at least you could acknowledge the fact that you have come back and read and appreciate our efforts.

There is a lot of professional and experienced information here...a simple thanks would be nice.

Again...$7.5136 per gallon. Almost all ingredients are purchased from Sam's Club and a few things from American Spice
Vincenzo...I've read your posts over the last several months asking the professionals for help & advice on one thing or another. They have always responded. I couldn't agree more with Cap'n Pete....a simple thank you now and then would be nice and might insure that you continue to get help in the future Frowner
I think I am going to sort of apologize to Vincenzo...I just realized he must be from New York City from a previous post I just read of his, however your profile says St Louis! This explains his attitude. He is probably an okay guy with some fine attributes. However he is from a place where people are very abrupt and don't seem friendly. They act like they are totally impatient with one another and show continual arrogance. That is just their way and the way they are! I have noticed that folks from Long Island are actually even worse! You ask a store clerk a question about his products and you get immediate sacasm! It's just their way!

So Vincenzo I am sorry for the previous post, sort of! And welcome to the forum.

The only bbq place, as you asked in another post, I know of in your area is Bobby Flay's! Never been there but I sure do enjoy watching him on the food channel!
man, i wished my sauce was under 4 bucks a gallon. mine runs about 8 bucks. probably cause i put everything 'cept the kitchen sink. its good though. just had folks from penn ask for some.
vincenzo: you will find that great bbq joints always make their own sauce. thats because they want it to blend with their que, not change or overpower it. the only way to achieve that is to make sauce using your rub ingredients. thats not to knock those that dont make their own sauce. there are plenty of reasons why they dont. time, equipment, space. and some are just lucky enough to find a good commercial sauce that blends just right with their que. personally, i use cattlemans as a base. i add catsup, honey, butt rub spices, and a few other things. about tweenty ingredients all together. hey, if you have time, enjoy the experiments, its a load of fun!
your welcome.....
no problem.
your questions always make me think and to be honest from them they make me rethink the way i am doing things.
so thanks for your questions as they help me Big Grin

2 Greyhounds....SMOKIN!!!!
ps on the sign letter question have you tried to locate an outfit that does marque letters or maybe try a sign company. neon would be nice but man is it expensive
Hey PrisonChef--
You'll be fine, just take 'er kinda slow at first and remember when ya back up, put your hand on the bottom of the steering wheel and whichever way you want the back of the trailer to go, that's which way your hand goes........

I ordered my trailer too, should be ready about the first of August. Can't wait.

If you need a driver let me know! I'm sure you have been to my web site and have seen what I used to TOW with! lol! It was almost as long as the trailer!!!

I'm dong little now and looking to do make money, that is, but you pay my expensives and I'll tow it for you and teach you a thing or 2! Really!

Hey Kinsman,
congrats on the trailer. now you are as poor as we are Razzer !!!!!
also thanks for the advice on hand on bottom of steering wheel. i forgot the last time i put my hands on top i tore the wing off of an a6 parking it Eeker nice part was they made me fix the wing, bad part was i had to watch that bird take off. who says i dont remember the 60's!!!
ps capt sure would luv the lessons but can't afford it lol. but what the heck the trailer is ensured by tapco which is the danish arm of llyods of london and they got cash lol.

Know what you mean about scarce cash! I am sure you'll be ok...just remember to look at all your mirrors whether you're going forward or back and do the backing very slowly and look UP over the trailer too!

One thing I have always noticed about drivers, once they get the hang and feel of their rig they become over confident hence becoming dangerous. What really upsets me is when some yo yo with his nice new rv tailer set up stays in the left lane passing everyone on the highway...and tailgating those in front of hom to get outa his way! Man, if the guy in front freaks for any reason or hits his brakes to "play" we have a major traffic accident right now! I see this to much with newbie young truck drivers too! I saw that yesterday in the rain with an rv in the rain driving 70mph in a 55 with cross roads and farmers everywhere.

Not sure what I am going to do with the bbq business or for that matter life! Am playing with my friend with an old single drive axle southern engineered logging truck. We have work layed out but the mechanics to get those heavy logs is bent here and worn there....! Hey it's a buck and fun if we can ever get it to operate smoothly!

The concession tariler has not sold yet but I am thinking about bringing it to the house and setting it up as a commercial kitchen. Would like to sell bbq to friends of friends, etc...that way I think I avoid the health dept.

Anyway I am just trying to figure away to survive and make bbq for a dollar.

Bought a corned beef and smoked it to 165* was truly "killer" everyone went crazy for it! They didn't know it was now pastrami! Went to Sam's and bought a case of 15 for $1.84/pound!!! We'll see what we can do with it.

Can't smoke right now because I fried the controller board in my FE100. The board should be back today or tommorrow, I hope. It was my fault...I tried to get it out to make an adjustment to it while it was running and shorted it out to ground trying to remove it. And of course I knew that was going to happen...

So where are you guys now with your restaurant? Do you have a proposed date to open, any events planned yet?

Dear Cap'n Pete
This is Peggy typing while Jack talks. Otherwise nothing would be spelled right.
Our rig is scheduled for pick up from TrailerTech July 16. The smokers from Cookshack are shipping to them July 18. The nice part is, Peggy let me get an FEC100 for competition and the SM150 we are using for catering work. This combination will allow us to do approximately 250 people. There are 5 contests left in Florida prior to the first of the year.
Our thinking is, we will only do contests that allow us to vend and use those contests to spring board our catering efforts.
We are also joining the Chamber of Commerce here, and as you know, the superbowl is this winter in Jacksonville. We are hoping to get a big pop from this. As an aside, we have gotten approval to use a commercial kitchen at no cost to us in return for one fund raiser and their picture at the Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting.
The storage for the trailer, since we are not allowed to store commercial trailers in the St. Augustine city limits, just happens to be with a new company whose co-owner is a bbq nut. He gave me a 25 per cent discount on a 12 x 30 site in return for letting him work at a bbq competition, and even threw in tapping into his electric for practice work. Our grey water site, which must be listed in accordance with Florida law, just happens to be owned by a shriner. This person has already indicated to Peggy that he would like us to do a few shriner events which should lead to a few catering events.
I know what you mean about dummies in the fast lane after driving I-4 twice this week. It really is scary and why they allow 85 year old men to drive 50 feet Winnebagos is beyond me, but welcome to Florida! All in all, this is a 30K bet and sometimes I feel that buying the 6 and the 8 on a craps table and taking the odds might be a better bet, but it damn sure wouldn't be as much fun.
When we pick up the rig, we will take pictures, have them stored to CD, and I will email them to you.
You can rest assured that if we ever need any help or advice you are the one we will contact.
Jack and Peggy Percifield
2 Greyhounds....SMOKIN!!!!

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