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In my quest to burn up a few hours today while not getting off my duff (remember my name), I decided to look at all 510 websites that belong to the Smoke Ring.

Glad that's over with.

Such hype.
Such puffery.
Such schlock.

Everyone makes/sells the very best and ONLY good pit. Everyone touts the World's best AND championship winning sauce, rub or.....(fill in the blank).

Every single team won their State's (World's, Universe's) cook-off. Nobody ever lost.

Many, (including some CS commercial owners who won't be mentioned here by name) blow their own horn (loud and hard) and profess to know "the real secrets" of Q. (as opposed to what, the "unreal secrets"?)

Come right in, click on a link, and they might just share a secret or two with you...providing of course, that you ooh and ahh a lot and promise to keep their secrets.

Caveat: Don't stray out into the "real" world, unless you feel most secure with yourself cuz only the very very very best is to be seen on each and every website. And, you better be wearing your wading boots, too.

Didja ever wonder who makes the 2nd best pit and who finished 2nd in all those world's championships? Are ALL the losers here? Cool

Guess I've been spoiled sharing these past few months with you guys and gals. No hype. No puffery. No dogma. No secrets. Just nice friendship and the sharing of thoughts, ideas, and situations.

Double Lazy...
and getting lazier by the website.
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So, slow day yesterday? Good Points. The best this the best that. I'll blow our horn here at this forum. As the Master Card commercial might say:

  • Buying a Pit Smoker and wishing you hadn't because it doesn't work well enough...$400 dollars.
  • Buying a CS Smoker and loving it...$400.
  • Finding the CS Forum and getting lots of free advice and assistance...Priceless

    It may not be the best like all those experts, but the knowledge is worth it. That's why I'm here.

    Let's see, only 500 sites at the SR?. Well, when ever I get the website up (not a summer time project) I'll let you go through the other 650 I have (besides the smokering). One of the things I'm doing is "rating" the websites with a 1,2,3,4 star type rating. Guess howmany 4 stars there are?
  • quote:
    Let's see, only 500 sites at the SR?. Well, when ever I get the website up (not a summer time project) I'll let you go through the other 650 I have (besides the smokering). One of the things I'm doing is "rating" the websites with a 1,2,3,4 star type rating. Guess howmany 4 stars there are?

    Smokin', 650 more??? Are they each the best, too? Rating? This is one of the few without puffery, hype and bs advice.

    We went out seeking unusual tools that we might not have seen before. We found nothing new.

    Anxious to visit your best sites. Wanna post them? I'd post mine, but there are zero, none, zilch, without the hype. Some do have very good info.

    The FAQ is good for other than Q beginners. But,it's most always recommended for beginners. Frankly, it's got so much personal opinion and lore that we would not send a beginner there for fear the new Qer would not know how to separate the wheat from the chaff.

    Double Lazy

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