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Sorry to hear that. I had a BDS for a couple of years and loved it then one day the family revolted and told me they never liked the taste of the food that came off of it. I bumbled and stumbled for a couple of years trying out different smokers and they are very happy so far with the Cookshack. I just gotta go easy on the wood and I should be O.K.
When I first got my 009 a 4 or 5 years ago I used 2 oz of wood on ribs and chicken at first. My wife hated it...way to smokey. We now only use less than 1oz maybe even a half oz of cherry wood on everything except pork butts which I use two big chunks for. Once the smoker was seasoned we need very little wood. I actually ran out of the cherry chunks from cookshack from which I used a hatchet to clip off small shavings. I got some Bobby Fay cherry chips a few years ago which I just use a few in each smoke.
I guess smoked food isn't for everyone! Not sure why but we all have our own taste. I love my amerique more everyday! The food it produces is unbelievable! I get nothing but awesome positive remarks from everyone who eats my cooking. I couldn't be happier with my smoker. Just wanted to share! Cheers, Don
Originally posted by Wild_Willie3:
When I first got my 009 a 4 or 5 years ago I used 2 oz of wood on ribs and chicken at first. My wife hated it...way to smokey. We now only use less than 1oz maybe even a half oz of cherry wood on everything except pork butts which I use two big chunks for. Once the smoker was seasoned we need very little wood. I actually ran out of the cherry chunks from cookshack from which I used a hatchet to clip off small shavings. I got some Bobby Fay cherry chips a few years ago which I just use a few in each smoke.
Wow, what a bummer!

I know this is an old post, but thought I would chime in on the wood thing.

When I do ribs in my 025, and I pack 7 racks in the little bugger...

I have cut up pieces of old wine barrels used to hold red wines in napa valley. I use a small piece (half inch by about 2 inches) of that and what equates to about a loose cupful of the shredded apple wood pieces found at bass pro/cabelas. I wrap the wood in a little foil packet and poke holes in the top. Wood is dry. I do my ribs at 250 degrees. I start the smoker with the wood while I'm grabbing all my things and making my way back to the smoker. I put the ribs in and leave them for the first hour. After that, I flip the ribs over and take out the foil pack of wood. They cook for another hour until I wrap each rack in foil. Usually half with sauce added to the foil wrap, other half with just the rub. I cook them for another 2hrs like that.

They are awesome each and every time. As I mentioned in another post, I just picked up a 2nd 025. My two bestest little friends. lol.

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