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For vending bbq sandwich plates and breakfast plates, we've found that getting a fruit that's in season here and making a simple garnish works real well. The folks at the farmers market are wondering what the next fruit will be. Our first week I just used red grapes. The next week, I used papaya slices. At the cancer walk we did this weekend, we sliced up pineapple. It's only a few cents per plate for us, and is a nice surprise for the folks. Don't mention it on the menu, just surprise them. If you have an empty looking takeout box, it really helps the appearance. And it's a nice tasting thing, instead of a bunch of extra lettuce or parsley.

Now, if KCBS would allow fruit garnish, LOL, wouldn't that open up a can of worms!

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Well, they're not really additional processed. A nice clean cutting board and knife. Wash the fruit well before slicing. Fan them, or stack them somehow, or just a cluster of 3-4 grapes looks really nice. We slice up the pineapple or whatever and have it in a box in the refrigerator. Jack does up the sandwich, then I add the garnish and any sauce folks want, (gloves on!) remove gloves, take money, make a little small talk. It works nicely for us. We do tend to go through the gloves!

Jack told me there's a rumor that California has outlawed the mandatory use of gloves due to a 7 fold increase in food cross-contamination since the mandatory glove law was passed. He maintains that the average idiot feels that his hands are clean (and they are inside the gloves) and therefor as you noticed, never change their gloves causing increase in food bourn illness.

When we started wearing gloves in the medical field, people were starting IV's, getting blood on their gloves, then operating equipment with the same gloves on, depositing that blood on the equipment, taking off the gloves, washing their hands, then going back to the same equipment and operating it with their bare hands.

Makes a lot of sense! The gloves take a bit of thought and when somebody's tired....

And they sure don't protect you from a needle stick.

If you know the proper way to use them, they work well.

Howdy Steve!
I understand the need for gloves under most circumstances butt as you said what's the sense if you wear them and touch everything anyway? Tattoos are the same way. I watch a guys get all sanitary with thier equiptment wear gloves then someone hands them the phone or something...... Went to subway the other day, the sandwich maker was wearing gloves while making the sadwiches, handleing meat then running the cash register. Of course the gloved hand was the money hand. Cool
Good to see you, Steve. You always make me smile, too! How's it going in Taiwan?

I haven't done melon, yet. It tends to make me burp, and I don't want my customers saying our bbq makes them burp, so I'm kind of shying away from that. But I do love melon!

I think this weekend will be another pineapple weekend. They're pretty cheap right now.


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