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Originally posted by carpetride:
2. Is there a way to make the AQ wireless in terms of internal meat temp without a secondary probe/system?

Not sure I understand. You have to have a probe in the meat to transmit, are you wanting the probe to be wireless?

Maybe a little more detail.
Let me try to clarify...

I was wondering if there was a way to have the controller continue to do its job and also transmit the current status to a in house unit or a belt clip type unit. More of a an all in one unit so that I don't have to go outside and check on things in the middle of the night.

Boy that makes me sound really lazy doesn't it!!

Also I have wireless thermometers already, just wish/hope the AQ would transmit to them. Would be nicer than haveing to add one probe to controller the temp and another to me what the temp is from inside.
I don't think CS could do that without increase the expense of the smokers a LOT. R&D, etc.

There are some units out there, with multiple probes that can transmit wireless, PC capable, etc. The Guru, Stoker at some options but that's overkill for the $$$ you pay to do what you're asking
I can only answer your first question.

I only use the rib hooks for up to six full spare ribs, but more will fit. I hook the hooks between the second and third rib bones, but if the rack is very long, place the hook between the third and fourth rib bones. I bought three of the special rib racks and I don't like them. The rib hooks always smokes the ribs as I prefer.

I don't use the probe with ribs, only check the ribs after five hours and when the ribs have receded up the bone about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch they are done. Also, a little twist of the bones with the meat coming loose is a good sign of ready to eat. I always use a slather as I remove the ribs from the AmeriQue. I like a fruit juice, maple syrup and red pepper slather. Other methods will work just as well as the AmeriQue is very forgiving. Smiler

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