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The people at cookshack are great! I had a problem with the controller on top of my amerique and called CS. Tony with CS promptly called me back and I explained my problem to him. I was getting erratic temps at first, then I lost control of the temp, then the display went crazy! Tony told me that moisture had probably collected in the control unit, and to try removing it and using a hair dryer to warm it up and remove the moisture. After about 2 minutes with a hair dryer and replacing the controller, everything went back to normal. I wish there was a way to keep moisture out of it, but I am not sure there is. So now what I do is keep the controller in the house when I am not using the smoker!!!!
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pigskins Posted October 11, 2010 07:29 AM Hide Post
I too have problems with moisture getting in the controller during each smoke. So I have had to unscrew it from the top and leave it skewed so it can breathe.

As far as a cover for the AQ, yes, would be nice, but they have to sell them first. :-|
Posts: 69 | Location: Webster, NY | Registered: June 18, 2010

I've never had a moisture problem with my AQ and I use it as a dehydrator as well as a smoker. As to the cover, I ordered a cover when I ordered the smoker so I know they make and sell them.
I bought a refurbished AQ this spring. I had the same moistureproblem. I used the hair dryer trick which worked temporarily. I didn't have a cover and discovered that the insulation in the top of the unit was soaked. Tony was very helpful in fixing. I replaced the insulation in the top of the unit and sealed the inner sides and vent nipples on the top of the unit with high temperature sealant. I haven't had any problems since and the unit has gone uncovered in a couple of rain storms. Apparently, the moisture was entering the unit through the hairline cracks where the vent nipples meet the bushing.Sealing the bushings did the trick. I also bought a cover which everyone should own. I have the old AQ.
The cover for the new AQ is hard to come by. I heard a new shipment is coming soon but I got tired of emailing CS customer service so maybe they are in now.

BigDjersey glad to hear you solved your problem but for what I paid for my AQ I ain't doing that. If there is a problem they should fix it.

Last time I talked to CS about the moisture problem they commented that maybe the controller should have some vent holes cut into it. Again, should I be expected to perform that??
Originally posted by pigskins:
...that. If there is a problem they should fix it.
Again, should I be expected to perform that??

You need to ask them. We can't/shouldn't really try to help you fix a problem, that's what Customer Service is for.

Just discuss the issue and if you're not comfortable with the answer, tell them. Not everyone wants to make the fixes and I'm positive they'll help you.

See my response above.

"Apparently, the moisture was entering the unit through the hairline cracks where the vent nipples meet the bushing.Sealing the bushings did the trick"

If the top insulation gets wet, then condensation results up as the unit gets hot. That's why the display gets cloudy. The sealant on the 2 vents and their bushings did the trick. Probably a design flaw by Cookshack. Several people seem to have had this problem.

Cookshack could save Tony, et al in CS alot of time by providing a "Common Troubleshooting brochure" with the Cooker outlining simple fixes to common problems.
Originally posted by BigDjersey:
If the top insulation gets wet, then condensation results up as the unit gets hot. That's why the display gets cloudy. The sealant on the 2 vents and their bushings did the trick. Probably a design flaw by Cookshack. Several people seem to have had this problem.

Cookshack could save Tony, et al in CS alot of time by providing a "Common Troubleshooting brochure" with the Cooker outlining simple fixes to common problems.

Here's my recommendation. Same one I always give.

Give them a call or email. They don't read the forum, just too many posts, and they really prefer the one on one approach.

YOU contacting them gives you immediate feedback and they really need to hear it from the customers direct.

They don't always listen to me Wink

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