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I spoke to Karen at Cookshack and she said that they will be changing the display on the Amerique within the next 6 months similar to that of the Essential and Elite series so that it will mainstream their production. In your opinion, which display do you like better and why? Should I wait until they change it over or should I snag one up now while they remain the same? Any and all input would be appreciated.
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Originally posted by cal:
I would never wait on getting a CS, but I have a smokette 020 and want nothing else at this time.You must be feeding over 20 people????

I'm only using it for backyard use, not over 20 people. I went with the amerique because of the hold feature. Would I be better off getting the smaller 045 model?
Had a buzzard stop on the back deck and tell me that cs's R&D department was designing a new smoker that was neon pink. The thinking was that it takes extra time to smoke in these their were to many people getting a few extra drinks and before they were finished smoking couldn't tell the cs from any other object. I'm sure this is the smoker that they are making bigger shelves for.
Not everyone wants to spend $3600 on a Fec-100 that uses pellets.It would cost me about 5-7$ per cook on pellets vs free to cook on wood chunks. I need a smoker that has at least 20 inch wide shelves. I do not trim my full packers or St. Louie my ribs.

My cousin works for Cabelas and they sell the Amerique. He told me that many costumers have asked if they have anything wider than the AMQ and usually end up buying a offset instead.
Originally posted by kcso53:
I spoke to Karen at Cookshack and she said that they will be changing the display on the Amerique within the next 6 months similar to that of the Essential and Elite series so that it will mainstream their production. In your opinion, which display do you like better and why? Should I wait until they change it over or should I snag one up now while they remain the same? Any and all input would be appreciated.

R&D can take a while, so there's no guarantee this might be available and when.
Originally posted by Brown274:
Not everyone wants to spend $3600 on a Fec-100 that uses pellets in order to get larger shelves or have the money for a 260. It would cost me about $5-7 per cook on pellets vs free to cook on wood chunks. I need a smoker that has at least 20 inch wide shelves. I do not trim my full packers or St. Louie my ribs.

Tell your cousin he needs to learn more about his products, does he actually own one or cook on one? I believe, that the AQ owners here and even the elite owners will tell you that you don't have to trim anything to put it in there.

And in the 4 or 5 years since the AQ came out, this is the FIRST time anyone has raised an issue about the size of the shelves.

But that's why we're here to we can help people decide.

He might be thinking of the original Smokette which was smaller, but it was SPECIFICALLY redesigned a number of years ago to do just that, allow ribs to be put in without trimming.

The only issue you'll have is capacity, there is a limit.

As for people buying an offset instead of one of these, I think that's going down a path that MANY have been frustrated. No every offset works well, in fact, any that are in the price range of a CS don't hold their heat well at all so the biggest challenge they'll face is heat control, which can be a BEAR to deal with. But it can me done.

But you and the others are doing the right thing, researching. Not everyone has free wood, and heating an inefficient offset can get expensive (with the price of wood seeming to go up all the time)

There's no one perfect smoker. I always try to just ask a number of questions and help them make an informed decision. I don't work for CS and certainly have cooked on just about everything out there, so I try to give a pretty non-biased opinion.
Not sure how you could "improve" the display, as it's stupid simple to set, read and go.
I've had 6 butts in AQ no problem, done 3 Briskets at one crack(13-14lbs each), and two- three racks(separate cook). Waiting 6 months or more to get a newer better design, well, each his own, but I use mine at least 2-3 times per month in winter, more in summer, best thing I ever bought, next to my two dogs...
It's not a new display per se, she just said that for the purpose of streamlining production they may be switching the display on the Amerique to that of the Essential and Elite series smokers. I was just wondering if those displays on those series smokers had any more advantages to the one currently on the Amerique. I would just hate to throw down $1500.00 for the Amerique now and in a couple months they revamp the thing and make some improvements (if that's possible). I don't own one, never have and have never seen one in person so this is why I'm asking.
this is a very good question and that is why us cs owners are here for you. Having said that,I'm a new owner of the essential cs020 so my knowledge is some what limited but is here for you anyway. I have been very pleased with the product that they make. It seems that the new controls are nice, I think(and please keep in mind that my wife says it is not my strong point) from what I have read is that they are nice if there is a power interruption, mine will remember what temp it was set on and I think will start itsself back up. I don't know how the warmup peroid will effect it.

I can assure you that if you bought one(020) and later decide to sell out right and move up to an AmericaQ that you would have little touble getting someone to buy it,because I searched hard( 6 months) trying to find a good used one.That right there told me that they are good!!!!

I would think that your biggest concern would be how big you need, but thats up to the individuale that is buying it. Hope this helps you a little and lots of luck to you.
I have had my AmeriQue for 2-1/2 years now and have never had any problems with the display. It is simple and fool proof.

Also have cooked many full non trimmed packers, as large as 15 plus # and many many full slabs of ribs, and they all fit fine.

No matter what you have, you can always want something to be bigger and with more bells and whistles, but with the AmeriQue, it gets the job it was intended to do great.

Don't knock it unless you have tried it!! Big Grin
Thanks all for the information! I ordered the Amerique and it will be here tomorrow. Went to Walmart and picked up a brisket, pork butt and some ribs! We shall see how this compares to my WSM. I'm sure they are different in many ways, the most important to me is the ease of just plugging it in and setting the temp and lettting it go vs keeping a constant eye on the temps of the WSM.

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