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I know this has been asked several times, but do I buy the Amerique? I have little smoking experience but would rather buy something of quality that will last. I also want it to be big enough that I don't run out of space if I really get into smoking. I go to several parties and people would kill for good BBQ. Thanks in advance for the help.
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Originally posted by Smokin Husker:
... but do I buy the Amerique?

Here's a search on "Amerique" in this forum. Best answer is to read some of them, from actual owners:

Search on "amerique" in why smoker forum


... I have little smoking experience but would rather buy something of quality that will last...

Do a search on Customer Service, and I think you'll find enough posts about CS and the quality the make and they stand behind the smokers 100%

Oh and this forum, which many companies don't have, will help you with the smoking experience.


... I also want it to be big enough that I don't run out of space if I really get into smoking...

That's a "it depends" answer. As your popularity grows, you need to think how much you'll be smoking. The AQ gives you a lot of growth, but it does have it's limits on quanitity, but that's well down the road


... I go to several parties and people would kill for good BBQ.

On comment we get here often, and it's not just with the AQ, but more a function of the advice you'll get from the forum, is that people learn so much here, they can produce better Q than you can buy in a restaurant.

If you have more, specific questions, please let us know.
Buy an Americue because it works so well and its idiot proof. Here’s Thumper's method for brisket:

1. Friday night, salt and pepper on a packer, more pepper than salt;

2. Put it in the Americue;

3. Set the probe for 190, the temp. for 225.

4. Turn it on and go to bed.

5. In the morning get up, go to the golf course, play a round, take a shower, have lunch, hang around a while, maybe a few beverages, go home and check the smoker. You know, the thing Thumper put the meat into the day before.

6. If the smoker is on hold, poke the meat a bit to see if its done, if it is, just leave it on hold, if not, cook it until it is done. So far its been done at 190.

7. Come dinner time slice it and eat it.


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