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I am posting this in tribute to BBQ Poet, Jake Adam York who passed away last month

I wrote this many years ago and modified it for a Johnsonville Brat contest (came in second place and won a portable grill and cooler and some stuff) and I also posted here in Cookshack Forums back in 2001, but the original story was about my first BBQ experience all the way with a Boston Butt and my bullet smoker bit the dust... Brutus the dog had a good meal that day. True story, modified for Johnsonville Brats:


T'was the day I got my bbq,
stainless grill shining bright,
with promises of great grilling,
a true culinary delight

With much pride and joy I prepared the meal,
Johnsonville Brats were the word,
Easy to 'queu and fabulous taste,
was what I had heard

With the smoke trails delicately streaming,
I covered the grill tight,
and returned indoors briefly
for a cold adult beverage delight

When suddenly to my ears
arose such a clatter,
I dashed outside to see what gives
"Hey what was the matter?!?"

My neighbor's beast, some ol' dog,
"Brutus" was his name,
had knocked my grill over to get my Brats
(thank God it wasn't propane!)

Ol' Brutus skedaddled on back home
with all our brats in his mouth,
he had chewed through his leash, you see,
to come visit our house

The smell and promise of delicately grilled brats,
was too much a temptation,
I can see how Johnsonville Brats
are a favorite across the nation

So you know I can't blame Ol Brutus,
and much to his defense,
I have since delegated my grilling
to behind my back yard fence.
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