I get better and better results with each attempt. Recently bought an 11.5lb choice grade Harris brand whole brisket. For this one, I separated the flat from the point, and fairly aggressively trimmed the fat off of the point, as I saw Paul Schatte of Head Country do. I then slightly trimmed the flat. Placed the flat on the top shelf, and the point on the middle shelf. Cooked overnight at 200 degrees, and increased to 225 in the morning. After about 12 hours, the flat was 188 and the point was 203-5. Took them both out, wrapped in foil, and then dove in to see what I had created. Much more fat was released from the point than my previous attempts where I hadn't trimmed and left it whole. The flavor was great, and once again, not fatty. The flat was perfect!! Oh yea, I injected it a touch with secret sauce; yum!
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