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BBQ Forum,

I recently purchased a Smokette smoker - my first smoker ever - and was amazed at the taste of my first cooking attempt - 2 smoked chicken legs/thighs. But my next 2 attempts haven't turned out nearly as well, and in fact have been so bitter that the product wasn't fit to eat - though the dog loved it.

For the record, I used the wood that came with the smoker, and am not sure what it was.

Without giving all the details about the food I was smoking (wild game and domestic chicken) or the temperature range and duration, does anyone have any ideas about why my food has become so bitter?

Thanks in advance for the help.
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Too much wood, I'd bet. For a few chicken parts, try no more than 2 oz. wood. Weigh it with a postage scale, or figure that's about 1/4 cup wood. Don't use chips or shreds, have wood in one piece.

The other possibility: Did you wash the inside of the smoker with some chemical? Most people just wash the racks with dish soap and leave the rest.
I agree.

If it's "bitter" it's probably creosote or too much buildup of smoke.

for most smokes in a smokette, and if you're new to it, I wouldn't put more than 2 chunks of wood in there. Keep in mind how big those chunks are so you'll know next time whether more or less will work. And what you're cooking makes a difference, some things take smoke more readily than others.

Thanks for the help - I just had some wood I ordered arrive in the office - when I weighed some out I realized you folks are almost definitely right - I'm using WAY too much wood.

I think I'll go home and clean out the smoker, re-season it, and start from scratch.

Thanks for the help!

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