I was looking over the archives to pick up a hint or two about doing my first butt. We are talking, in some cases, more than 2 hrs/lb. If you open the box to mop, the comments I've seen say it adds about 1/2 hr per open.
So, I have a couple of questions...
1. I have an 008 and was wondering if one could preserve a bit of the heat by adding a couple smooth river rocks or a couple of bricks in the bottom or on a lower shelf.. sounds like a plausable idea to me.
2. How do you plan your start times if you want to have pulled pork butt for dinner? I mean, heck, do you get up at 4AM to put it on.. assuming a 7# butt? OR.. do you turn the temp down and cook many more hours.. ie, put it on about 10PM and cook about 18 hrs?
Inquiring minds want to know..
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