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I was looking over the archives to pick up a hint or two about doing my first butt. We are talking, in some cases, more than 2 hrs/lb. If you open the box to mop, the comments I've seen say it adds about 1/2 hr per open.

So, I have a couple of questions...

1. I have an 008 and was wondering if one could preserve a bit of the heat by adding a couple smooth river rocks or a couple of bricks in the bottom or on a lower shelf.. sounds like a plausable idea to me.

2. How do you plan your start times if you want to have pulled pork butt for dinner? I mean, heck, do you get up at 4AM to put it on.. assuming a 7# butt? OR.. do you turn the temp down and cook many more hours.. ie, put it on about 10PM and cook about 18 hrs?

Inquiring minds want to know.. Cool

Original Post
We have discussed the hot bricks in other threads.

IMO it might help a small percentage,but you are solving a non problem.

I like to cook the 15-16 lb 2 paks.

I put them on at bedtime ,around 200�.

I check the internal, when I get up in the morning, and boost the temp to around 225�.

I may mop/spray a large butt at this time.

When it is done,around lunch,I plastic wrap,heavy foil ,and place in a well insulated dry cooler.

It will hold at least four hrs, and longer if you have more butts.

This can also be accomplished in a house oven,if you monitor it and keep it around 140�.

You can also use your smokette as a holding oven,once you learn to control your temps.

Hope this helps a little.

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