Walmart may get delivered choice,instead of ungraded,but they only have one price code-so same price.
You can sometimes catch wally with a couple cases of large select packers on the last sale day marked down for $1.00-$1.20.Like Max says,look thru them for those that look ok,buy all that do and freeze them.We can always make chili,burritos,potroast,taco meat,etc.
First we need to learn to cook them and how to make your adjustments.
Many inexperienced brisket cooks won't get better eating product from $100 Creekstone blue primes, wet aged 60 days ,than an ungraded,unbranded packer that was $0.79/lb and cooked by Smokin'Okie.
Yes,we read good tips-sometimes-but may overthink what the wrapper says and depend on that turning it into a packer cooked by an experienced cook.
There may be a cook that turned out a great packer on the first couple attempts,but not many of us were that fortunate.
Often,we are as well off to grab a bunch of 16 lb packers and go start cooking them,take notes,and learn what adjustments to make.
Also,remember that places like Sam's,or wally's,or grocery chains use the word angus like saying" beef".
Now I don't know that I'd bet that purebred Angus is better eating than others,but that stamp on all the beef hotdogs,weiners,beef ribs,etc means that the cow's momma,could have been 10% red,or black Angus and the owner paid $10 to join the state Angus assoc.The rest of the blood could be Longhorn or dairy cow.

Just my $0.02