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Does this flat have any fat on it at all? If not, you could lay bacon strips on top, smoke it to an internal temp of 180-185 for slicing, I have smoked flats to 192 and they slice up fine. As far as time??? I don't really know, it can differ from cut to cut, use a wired remote temp probe and go by the internal temperature.

Stuck it in last Saturday night about 8:00. At 225 took it out Sunday morning about 8:30 wrapped in foil and a couple of towels and put in a cooler. Went to my shoot, came back about 5:30 took it out and sliced it, it was great, the bottom 2/3 was a little on the dry side.

It was at 173 when i took it out, didn't have a lot of fat on the top, I hit it with some steak seasoning and covered with a few strips of bacon then hit that with garlic powder and black pepper before putting it in the smokette.

All in all the first uncorned brisket came out farly decent.

On a side note I thought that brisket was to be a cheap cut of meat, 3-4 bucks a pound?
Whole packers are sometimes reasonable,because they are difficult for the homecook to cook and there is a lot of waste.

They would have been ground beef,just like an old cow.

The cooking channels are now promoting overtrimmed flats,as lean braised pot roasts.

Some cultural/etnic/religeous groups use it mostly for pot roasts and will buy half the size that you cook.

The flats may also go to the deli/corned/pastrami market and the points to burgers.

Loss on a whole packer can easily be 50%,and requires the meat cutter's time/labor cost.

Thus $1.60/lb whole packer,works out to about $4/lb.

Hope this helps a little.

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