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I have a Question for you all . I want to prepare a brisket a few weeks in advance and freeze it . Then thaw and reheat it . The current plan is to cook the brisket to 180 deg
Rap in foil cool then put it in food saver bag whole with beef broth and freeze. My goal is to get as close to the just out of the smoker brisket
So here are my questions

1: Slice it or freeze it whole which one will produce a better finished product
2: Re heat ? 200 deg oven till brisket reaches 190 deg ?
Any suggestion or guidance would be helpful
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I just did this on a brisket my sister wanted to take home with her for her son. I cooked the brisket the whole way. Then I let it rest in a hot box for 3-4 hours and then sliced it. I saved the soppin's from inside the foil, defatted them and poured them into a vacuum bag along with the slices. When you go to seal the bag, use the manual seal process. Start the vacuum process and as soon as you see the liquid being drawn up towards the top of the bag, hit the manual seal button. This gets most of the air out and keeps the liquid in. It takes a little practice to do this correctly. And then I froze it.

I heard that they defrosted and reheated it and it came out great. Thanks to Tom's brisket recipe and expert brisket guidance!

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