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Hi Ribdog,

I've never used brisket in sausage, but if I was gonna try here's what I'd do:

I'd trim as much fat from the point as possible. Tricky I know.

Next. To every 9# of "lean as can be" brisket meat I'd add 1# of pork butt. Junk each type of meat out, and run it through the grinder together.

Next for the recipe, I'd pick a recipe that's been formulated for venison. Eldon Cutlip has pretty many recipes listed onhis recipe site

You didnt list what type of sausage he wanted, but that site has all different kinds.

Hope this helps your friend get a start in the right direction.
The friend has a place where the menu is based primarily on brisket. When I went the first time, they has a brisket sausage on the menu. When I asked about it, they said it had not been perfected yet and they were having a hard time getting to one.

They want a sausage they can grill and then plop on a soft roll.

Thanks for the help.
Actually, I was asked not to share this spice blend. Sorry.

Usually, I share anything I know with others. I have few secrets. Smiler

I will say that it is not too un-like many recipes I have found on the internet. It happens to call for Pork, but I am partial to using the Beef Brisket.

regards, and Happy Easter.


You might post for Jackitup on Basso's forum.

Although he is here occasionally,he is much easier to catch over there.

jon does a lot of serious sausage and he is good about sharing exact formulas,as well as changing them to meet different volumes.

If he knows the volume they are thinking,he can probably structure someting for them.

As you know,sausage can be labor,skill,equipment intensive to make ,if you aren't set up to do a reasonable volume.

They might be just as well off to buy a case ,until they see the sell through time and volume.

I brought some back from our road from Holmes and also Slovacek in Tx.

Maybe we'll try some ,before the NC cookoff.

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