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Too tag on with MaxQ, remember that cooking at 225* and having a finishing temp in the 195-200's* might not leave much room for carry over temp...but cooking at 275-300* will have more carry over temps, so some cooks may vent the meat for a few minutes before foiling.

Yep, YOU can control your carry over temps.
Yep,ya hang around the comp circuit,you might see it plastic bagged and go straight to a cooler full of ice water. Eeker

To tag onto the cooks above,if your cooker is running at 225º,the inside of the foil can be a good bit higher.

It would not be unusual to see three or four big meats in the cambro go up 15º.

And the guys cooking at 350º,you can speculate the temp rise in foil.

Having cooked around some of the good cooks in the SW that may finish above 300º,they come off the heat,slice,and into the judging box in about 20 mins,so it stops the rise quickly.
Last edited by tom
Why the worry about carry over? Are you worried that it will cook longer and thus be an issue with tenderness or moisture? Brisket doneness isn't a function of an exact temp, that's why I say carryover isn't that big an issue. WHEN you pull it is a bigger issue for me.

Carry over temp is a function of how high the temp is and holding method.

At lower temps, the carry over isn't as much, but I find at higher temps (like searing a rib roast) it can be much more.

The other thing is to let it sit on the counter a few minutes to stop cooking. If you wrap it immediately all the trapped heat will make the carry over much more.
Last edited by Former Member
I've played with briskets A LOT. I found that if I foil it, pull it at temp and cambro it immediately I get at most a 1 degree rise if any.

Now, I don't know why it doesn't carry over cook as much as say prime rib that you are cooking to 125 and pulling to rest for 10 - 30 min but I have an idea. I believe that with a brisket in foil that the internal temperature of the meat and the external temp of the meat is so close that the exterior isn't hot enough to transfer internally. That prime rib is typically cooking at what 250 - 500 degrees depending on the method so the exterior is much much hotter than 125 and that's why you see a 5-8 degree temp rise with roasting like that. Brisket is typically 220 - 275 and that isn't enough to allow the rise. Now cooking hot and fast may be another issue entirely.
Originally posted by SmokinOkie:
The other thing is to let it sit on the counter a few minutes to stop cooking. If you wrap it immediately all the trapped heat will make the carry over much more.

This method seems to work well for me. I cook to desired tenderness and will let the brisket (and butts) sit on the counter for at least 10 minutes prior to putting in the cambro.
I don't foil.

I don't pull on temp, I pull on tenderness (look up poke and prod).

And having cooked a couple of 1,000 of them, half the time I can tell they're done and ready by looking at them. Really. Same way with a lot of BBQ. Now try to write THAT in a 101 update...

But check the temp in the 190's for slicing, could be 190, 195 even 2000.

Keep good notes of your temp and you'll sort it out quick enough for you.

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