Momma wants burgers for Mothers Day on my PG500. Would love your thoughts!
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It cooks an awesome hamburger, I cook them at 325*. Time will depend on how many are on there. The more burgers, the faster it cooks...….
I should try that.
I agree, target 325* for temp, sear 'em on the direct side to get some nice cross hatching and finish them on the indirect side as needed. Keep the seasoning simple - just salt n pepper. Let the flavor of the meat and the fire do the talking...
When we are talking 325*, I would guess temps on the direct grill area would be around 450-475*. Too me, it seems like they have a smoke ring.....
Yeah, it is pretty cool you still achieve what appears to be a smoke ring and some excellent smoky flavor even though they only get flame kissed for a handful of minutes. And I can still get them to come out dripping w/ juice.
Thanks guys!