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Well I miss timed the length of an 8lb butt getting to 195*. I placed it in the smoker last evening at 7PM at 225*. I now have to leave for work and the butt temp is at 176*. So what to do?
Pull it out the smoker and foil? Keep it in the smoker and lower the smoker temp to 180* or so?
I will not be home from work until 6PM. It is now 7:45AM. What is the safest and best thing to do in this situation?
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Thanks Tom. I'm at work now, but before I left the house, I did drop the temp to a little under 180*. I thought about spraying it with apple juice as well, but I didn't want to open the smoker which would allow the moisture in the smoker to escape.
Hope it will be fine when I get home.

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