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I recieved a turkey last week and I don't know what to do.The only way I know how to cook a Turkey is in my FEC100.This turkey is supposed to be cooked from frozen at 325degrees in an oven.Has anyone cook one of these birds in their cookers?? If so..ya gotta help me..I need to hear your results.I really do not feel that it is at all safe to cook a frozen bird with stuffing in my FE.What do you think??
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Is this what you are talking about?

Here are the cooking directions:

I don't have a FEC, yet, but it looks like you could do it in a FEC as long as you follow the directions and have the temp at what is called for. They are made to go in frozen which would answer my concerns about internal temp safety.
Sorry duke, both of those links went to the same page (for me at least).

I didn't see anything about a frozen bird.

ME? I think we've given plenty of advice here (hence a separate Turkey forum) I'd never cook a frozen bird.

But, if you want to experiment, the FE can handle the same temps as an oven, so just follow the directions.
Thanks Duke and Smokin. I agree with Smokin..I don't want to cook anything from frozen either. I just wanted to pick your brains around this.I spoke to my brother and he could use another bird for he can have it. He will cook the traditional way.As for me..well Lobster is only 5 dollars a pound this time of year around here. I think I'll try smoking a few.
Not sure why it didn't go to the instructions Smokin - here the are from the Butterball site:

Frozen Stuffed Whole Turkey

1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. DO NOT THAW. Remove giblets, neck, and gravy packets by holding under running water.
2. Place turkey lifter across full length of flat rack in shallow roasting pan 2 to 2 1/2 inches deep.
3. Place frozen stuffed turkey, breast up, on turkey lifter. Raise one loop over wings and breast, and the other loop over drumsticks. Rest loops on turkey, not over edge of pan during roasting.
4. Brush skin with cooking oil or spray with cooking spray to prevent skin from drying.
5. Shield the neck and exposed stuffing with lightweight foil to prevent over-browning. Place your turkey in the preheated oven at 325 degrees.
6. When the turkey is about 3/4 done, loosely cover the breast and top of drumsticks with a piece of lightweight foil to prevent overcooking.
7. After about 3 hours, insert an oven-safe thermometer deep into the lower part of the thigh muscle but not touching the bone.
8. Use the roasting schedule below as a guide and start checking for doneness about 30 minutes before end of recommended cooking times.
9. Your turkey is done when the meat thermometer reaches the following temperatures:
* 180 degrees deep in the thigh. At this temperature, juices should be clear, not reddish pink, when thigh muscle is pierced deeply.
* 165 degrees in the center of the stuffing.
10. Lift roasted turkey onto platter with turkey lifter and discard lifter.
11. Before removing stuffing and carving, let your turkey stand 15 minutes to allow juices to set.
Originally posted by UncleDuke:
Not sure why it didn't go to the instructions Smokin - here the are from the Butterball site:

Because it's to a "m" site, meaning mobile. When I call that up on a normal browser, there's no recipes. Even paging through it, I couldn't find the recipe (and I'm an Internet kinda guy).

Thanks for posting it, that helped a lot

For me, I wouldn't.

Certainly putting stuffing inside a frozen bird will keep it from getting to temp (think ice chest).

I just don't think it would be very tasty. Any rub or FLAVOR you put on the outside won't penetrate.

It just sounds like a gimmick to me. This is more one of those if you're in a jam...try it, probably for some consumer who called and said on T day it was still frozen.

I don't recommend it. It certainly won't allow any smoke flavor to penetrate.
Originally posted by Nova Scotia Rob:
...well Lobster is only 5 dollars a pound this time of year around here.

Now that's just wrong. For that, I'll let you know I bought a PRIME prime rib for about $9 a pd and brisket was less than $2 a pd... Razzer

Maybe we ought to set up a trading network so we can send food everywhere.

Oh, and I love them cut lengthwise and grilled on a grill.'s pretty cool during the winter lobster season. You can literally buy them off a truck an hour or so after they are brought into the shore. The winter season starts around the middle of November. There are lobster trucks seemly all over the place.They are around until New-Years eve then..gone..The prices then go back up in the stores to somewhere between 8-10 dollars a pound.But until then,as the month creeps closer to the December the price of lobster will drop..I have seen it as low as 4.25$.So yeah..I am a little bit green eyed over your brisket prices..maybe you and I should talk a little surf&Turf

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