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I have a chance to cater at a friends bar serving pork butt and ribs. How does one go about pricing this where the bar owner and I are able to make a couple $? As I have never smoked for money before , this sounds pretty interesting and may lead down the road to something new. Any advice is welcome.
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I do this very thing during the spring and summer months at a local brewery.

The owner is kind enough to allow me to set up and vend. He doesn't charge me anything and I get to keep all the profits from my sales. It works out well for both of us; in addition to the folks who would go there anyway I have grown up a good crowd of regulars who come for the food and buy a pint of his brew as well.
The following is an exerpt from the University of GA site. These people are way off... here is an example:

"The only sure way to determine when meat is done is to use a meat thermometer. To check the temperature, insert the tip of the thermometer into the center of the thickest part of the cut without touching a fat pocket or bone. The end point internal temperature for the degrees of doneness for meat are:

145 degrees F rare
160 degrees F medium
170 degrees F well "

145 degrees F is rare??? LOL where do these people learn these things...??


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