Now that Chris has won the Memphis World Shoulder/Butt Championship for probably the seventh time, it should be time to start the Top 100 of his super secrets that we must all convert to.
Before it gets too deep think about a rub that is basically salt,peppers,garlic powder,and sugar for about 1/2 cup + for a 16 lb shoulder,a little less for a large butt.
An injection that is about equal apple juice and water,some salt and sugar and a couple spoons of wooster for about a half oz per lb.
Cook at 225* until a 16 lb shoulder is about 195*,around 16 hrs,or the shoulder around 195*.
About 20 min before removing from the pit,paint with a sauce that is VERY much like CS Mild.
Oh yeh,the last tip is learn your cooker and the meat you are cooking.
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