Max,I wasn't trying to detail everything that Chris uses,just the suggestions that we utilize KISS as our basic operating philosophy,before folks can start studying it to death for months,before the last "secret tip"of go cook something.
There is a little of the molasses,but blending of sugars.There are other top Memphis shoulder cooks that blend light brown and white.
They don't use Turbinado,because they keep the temps low,and rubs light.
Chris also cooks a good bit of KCBS.
You notice he uses a lot less rub than many of us and stays down around 225* ,so his basic sugars tend not to burn.They like red color.
The Memphis cooks tend to cook mostly shoulders,although they may cook butts-or fresh hams for the pork turnin.
I try to get our folks off the idea that there is that straight line between weight/temp/time,by using the analogy of a half in slice across a butt and fried hot on each side for a minute to 195* does not make pulled pork because they multiply the weight by 2hrs/lb-or some weird idea.
Most Memphis cooks like 16 lb shoulders that cook 16 hrs.Maybe they are trying to tell us that pork breaks down collagen and renders fat after SIXTEEN hrs on lo and slo.They all must cook the minimum six shoulders and they tend to finish at the same time.

Unlike many memphis cooks he is an excellent poultry and brisket cook.